Monday, July 27, 2015

I Am Back........

No, I didn't fall off the face of the, I didn't give up writing my, I haven't forgotten about all of you......

In the last 4 weeks, I have been in 15 or 16 states and traveled 4,000 miles.......yes 4,000 miles ....hours in the car.....about 70 ........tolls......LOL only on my New York trip.......pretty expensive.......we stayed in one pretty ugly motel out of sheer desperation and exhaustion. It was the only place I even stayed where I had to sleep with a shirt over my head for fear of bugs in the room.  Oh and have you ever gone into a hotel bathroom and found toilet paper in the toilet and the floor was wet (God knows what from) as you can see this was a luxury accommodation.

Anyway, we had a great time in NY.We were able to spend time with my brother, Greg and his family.  His son, Anthony, graduated from high school.

Two weeks later, we were off to Missouri for a family gathering.  950 miles and 18-19 hours in the car each way.

Between both trips and some other side trips, I tried to stay on plan but did indulge in some treats,  There is no way I could leave NY without breakfast at The Ridge Diner, eating pizza, a bagel, stop at Rockland Bakery for Linzer Tarts and black and white cookies, some Drakes Coffee Cakes and Devil Dogs.  I made some ham rolls, hot dogs in sauce and chocolate chip cookies for the visit to my brother.  In Missouri, I did indulge in real, wonderful and delectable treats from a bakery in Wisconsin (thank you Aaron and Bre), there were more ham rolls, tortellini salad, hot tortellini and on and on......

After the NY trip, I was up a few pounds.  A week after my return from Missouri, I was down at the scales. I found I can have the treats......occasionally......but now know I can get back on plan and not linger in the world of goodies.  Weight Watchers wants you to live your life and learn that you can have a treat or treats.  I was very aware of what I ate and I tracked it all even when I exceeded my daily points.

Now that I am back at home, the fridge is filled with veggies and fruits again.  Back to my focus of losing!!

A cousin shared a group picture of those of us who gathered from my Ohana.  I saw in the picture what others have told me.......time to go shopping Donna.

Saturday, Jenn and I went shopping and shop we did!! Everything was on sale.  And as I said on FB, I cried at the register.  I was overwhelmed at what I could wear that was sizes smaller than what I used to wear.  I remember walking into stores and not being able to find anything that fit.  Now it was a matter of what size I was going to fit in.

I also cried because of the final total of what I had spent.....Jenn knowing this added up what it would have cost me if I had paid full price for everything to make me feel better.

Then when I got home, I ordered a bathing suit that was on sale.  I also ordered 3 pairs of pants for work and with the Retail Me Not app.....I saved about 50% and half the shipping fee.

I am set with clothes until I lose another 60 pounds.

Sunday was clean out the closet day.  By the time I was done,  I had 5 bags of old big clothes that I took to Goodwill and those were to good clothes.....some I just pitched. My closet look organized and I can actually find things easily....thank you Jenn for organizing it for me!!

So new clothes, down at the scale, pitched old clothes....not so bad!!

Here is the pile of clothes that went to Goodwill:

And here is what my closet looks like now:

Notice the variety of was suggested I give up some of the black I wore on a regular basis.....

Well it is good to be home......not sure for how long or where I might be off to next.......I will just have to wait and see......

See you next week !!