Sunday, May 19, 2019

Balancing Out Life

How many times have we heard  "when our lives are over we won't regret not spending more time at the office."

Work is a major part of our lives.  Our jobs are part of our identity.  And it pays the bills.

Letting our jobs consume us is not the way to go.

We can be good at our jobs, love our jobs and be passionate about our jobs .

I have woken up every night for the last few weeks thinking about work, dreaming about work and never leaving the office behind.

Reading emails in the car, scanning emails before I fall asleep and as soon as I wake up and my iphone alarm set so I don't miss the Friday morning Managers Conf Call.

Checking time cards on Sundays in case I am running late or have meetings on Monday. A couple of hours on a Saturday taking mandatory classes that I never seem to have time for during the week.

I have been breaking my own rules and the promises I have made to myself.  I have said over and over again to shut down at the end of the day.  Shut down not just my laptop but my brain regarding work.

It is very hard to do after years and years of a work ethic installed in me by my Dad.


We must take time to recharge our batteries regularly.

Musts include sleep, naps (not at work) and rest.

I have asked my friends to help me, remind me and push me to shut down.

A night of not waking to think "Did I send that email? Did I return that call? What is my game plan for tomorrow?" would be nirvana.

I do enjoy the sunrises and sunsets.

I wave to the crossing guard who waves at everyone driving by the school on Highway 21.

And Friday nights are my favorite knowing I have two more days off.

The problem is I am pretty worn out by the weekend and don't feel like doing much. Is that really bad?  I get to rest while I play games on my IPAD, binge watch TV shows, take naps and now that the weather is getting warmer time for the pool on the weekends.

I have to push myself to spend more time writing.  I have not been as dedicated to finding that time on a regular basis.  I have a book in the works and an article that might have potential for a Woman's magazine in draft form and a great idea for another article.

Being able to disconnect needs to move front and center.

I know my fear of falling will limit some opportunities. I know my discomfort of crowds may mean saying no to some events.  I know my mild  (LOL) obsession with having to know the "lay of the land" before I go somewhere new can lead to stress for me.  I am trying to push myself to face those fears.

My life must not end with someone saying, "What a great employee!"

I want people saying "She knew how to live and didn't pass up a chance to have fun."

So I begin again on this Sunday, promising myself to seek the LIFE/work balance this week and the week after that and the next week.

I am making this a priority for me.

Wish me luck.

See you next week.