Sunday, November 10, 2019

Just a few dollars of happiness

If I hit the lottery, of course it would change my life.

No debts, make a sizable donation to a charity or charities, share with family and friends.

That is what I would do.

Realistically, I won't hit the lottery since I rarely play.

I have a hard time parting with a buck.

I have found spending a few dollars or sometimes spending nothing at all can still make me smile.

This week I was the recipient of two green brooms that cost 50 cents each.  After Halloween sales.

Since I have often joked about arriving at my office on a broomstick, why not have two glittery brooms hanging on either side of my desk?  And they can stay up through the holidays since they are green.

A string of lights that are also a phone charger on my desk. Cost $10

A small ornament size light up ceramic Christmas tree from Walmart.  Cost $8.00.

A small 1955 pick up truck to go with the ceramic tree. Cost $6.50

Three small trees to go in the pickup truck. Cost 1.50

Watching a very good college football game on a fall afternoon with the fireplace going in the background.  Cost $0  (the wood was leftover from last year)

My family from Florida, New York sent me great pictures of the Rockefeller Center tree being cut down just a few streets away from their home. Monetary cost zero but it took time for them to take those pictures for me.

Grand total $27.00 for a season's worth of happiness and memories.

Actually, it's priceless.

See you next week.