Sunday, October 10, 2021

Getting through the challenging times

 I haven’t written an entry in almost two months.

Two months.

That is the longest break I have had between entries in the over 10 years since I started writing this blog.

It’s not my job that has prevented me from writing.

I quit my job, six weeks ago.

In my 40 plus year work history, this is the longest break I have had with the exception of maternity leave and two layoffs.

The last long break was the summer before Jenn started kindergarten and that was a long time ago (sorry Jenn).

During the past few weeks, I have completed numerous household projects, pulled out the Rosetta Stone and worked on my Italian, binge watched some TV series and found things to fill my time.

Jenn keeps telling me I will miss this free time when I am back at work, which is probably true.

I am also being taught patience and faith that God has a plan for me.

What I have been able to do is find things to be grateful for until the paychecks start rolling in again .

Here is the list of items of gratitude:

It’s fall.

Pumpkin season, college football season.

Soups for dinner. 

The “BER” months with one holiday after the next.

Hallmark Christmas movies begin October 22nd.

I have mastered my budgeting skills with the rate of inflation (groceries and gas alone) impacting us all. I do think knowing the value of a buck has really helped me.

I got my car serviced and the bill was not as big as I anticipated.

Thanks to some help from a friend, I finally have the last document I need to get Medicare coverage. (I am not sure how the average person figures out how to work through this process). Not having medical coverage has been VERY scary but hopefully this issue will be resolved this week.

The challenges:

I struggle financially and mentally every two weeks when what should be my payday rolls around. I have to be honest and say I have shed a tear or two on my nonexistent paydays.

I have found myself thinking twice before making purchases which isn’t the worst thing in the world. 

Days can be rollercoasters with a range of emotions.

Days can be very long.

Nights can be long too.

Sleep patterns can have no patterns.

The better news:

I feel confident I will be back at work when the time is right.  And it is not in my time, it is in HIS time.

The surprising news:

I am learning more and more about me each day.

I have also learned who my true friends really are.  While there are some who were not aware that I have taken this sabbatical, I have learned a lot about those that have known. As my Dad used to say “you have a lot of acquaintances but few true friends”.  

It’s not that I am having a pity party but I do consider myself a caring person who at least in my opinion reaches out to others when they need support or a shoulder to cry on or a ear to listen. As Mom used to say, “if you expect you will be disappointed “.  Mom was right, I tend to think how others might feel and try to be understanding that is not always reciprocal  

The good news:

I have not second guessed my decision to quit my job.  

Without going into details, it was the right decision.

I learned that an attractive salary, bonus and signing bonus may not be all it is cracked up to be (plus I had to pay back the signing bonus). All that glitters isn’t gold.

I do have more time now for prayer as I seek answers and direction.

I am learning to hang in through this challenging time.

See you next week (hopefully).

P.S.  I bet you are surprised that I could get through a post without mentioning politics  I save those thoughts and feelings for Facebook LOL.