Sunday, September 18, 2022

The experiment of choosing joy

 Let’s see if I can really accomplish my goal.

From the time I woke up this morning until I go to sleep tonight, I am going to try and choose joy.

I have noticed that especially during the week, I can get wrapped up in world affairs and go down that rabbit hole of sharing my thoughts and venting.

But maybe today just for my waking hours, I will really make an effort of not going there.

For example, I did the NYT Wordle and my other Wordle game on my phone early today.  I got both words on the second try.  Score !!

I am looking forward to my bagel with whipped cream cheese and tomato for breakfast.

Oh and my coffee with pumpkin spice creamer too!

I will be keeping an eye on the football scores to see how well I do in the football pool this week.  Last week, Jenn and I tied for first place! How we did it?  LOL I have no idea !

I am going to try and find things to watch on TV that make me laugh.

I am going to take a nice hot shower.

I am going to start looking for ideas for Christmas gifts and decorations (no, I am not putting them up yet).

I am going to look in my cookbooks for some new soup recipes for the fall.  I love soup!

I am awaiting the arrival of the book “Making Your Home A Haven” for an online Bible Study with some of my sister’s friends.

I am happy that we have had a mild hurricane season (so far).

It makes me feel good that last night I chose to eat grapes for dessert.

All small things but each does make my heart and head happy.

And none of them cost a lot which is another plus.

I wanted to challenge myself to try and not complain or be negative or judge-mental. What good does that do anyone?

I also finally felt I had something worth writing about that you wouldn’t mind reading.

Sometimes I write to stay disciplined,  as it can be easy to let one week, then two weeks and on fly by and not have written a word.

Today, I felt I at least had something to write and share that was  worthy of a few minutes of your time.

I know I will not be perfect as I try and stay on the positive road for at least today but I need to try.  I have found myself too easily saying negative things when they really weren’t necessary.

I can find joy in seeing pictures of family and friends grandchildren.

I can find joy in looking at friends vacation photos.

I can find joy in laughing at something that tickles my funny bones.

I can celebrate remembering what time it is when I just looked at my watch 30 seconds ago,

If I am successful today, maybe I will try again tomorrow.

I can’t promise I will stop my daily venting about world affairs.  I never said I was perfect.

But maybe just maybe, I will be able to tolerate the fact that I feel like the world has been turned upside down and every rule I have tried to live by has been thrown out the window.

But for this day, this hour, this minute, this second, I will look out the window at the sunshine which has started to break through and not complain about the heat.  

I will think back and smile at being woken up during the night to the sounds of a rain storm that went on for quite a while.  It was a lovely sound.

Looking ahead, tomorrow I will wake up with a list of things to do for work.  I will count myself lucky to have a job that I enjoy as much as I do.

See, it’s working already.

I am already joyful about something tomorrow.

Let’s see if I can catch myself before I go to the dark/negative side and instead turn it into something positive.

I have already made it through three hours, only 12-13 more hours to get though.  

It might be a tall order but it’d worth try.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

Until then, seek joy.

See you next week!