Sunday, December 16, 2018

Have You Ever Done Something Really Stupid ?

I am trying to head into the final two weeks of the year with a positive mindset. Like many of you there are so many things that can drag us down.

This just happened and I can't believe I am going to share this story but if it makes you laugh as you read it I guess it is worth my embarrassment.  You will definitively be shaking your head.

The local landfill closes at 7:00 each day (except Wednesday when it is closed). Jenn and I usually make a mad dash right before closing time on Sunday evening.  Then we can start the week trash free. We also do the laundry late in order to make certain there is no dirty laundry to start the week. Today, I got in my nightshirt at 4:00 and started my laundry.

We finished baking our last batches of cookies (yes again).

A quick trip through the house to make sure all the trash baskets were empty, the shredder was cleaned out and a scan of the refrigerator to make sure nothing should go out.

At 6:30, we were off to the landfill. I drove, we took Jeter for the ride.  Jenn would be in and out of the car in less than two minutes to get rid of our trash.

Now remember, I said I had gotten into my night shirt (only a nightshirt).  I thought "what the hell, its just a 5-6 mile drive to the landfill."  I got in the car wearing my nightshirt and my jacket.  Cell phone and wallet in my pocket.

We are about 2 miles from the house and the check engine light goes on.  Really????? I turn off the radio and the heat thinking that might help.

Now, I am in a quandary. Do I drive back to the house or continue on with our trash to the landfill. 

I opt to keep driving.

I am thinking to myself who do I call that will not think I am insane for leaving the house like this? Island security, no.  The police, no.  A neighbor, no. Uber, no. Then I figure it out, we can call any of those people and they can take Jenn back to the house for her car.  I will sit in the broken down car with the dog until she gets back.  OK at least I now have a plan.

I was trying to stay calm as every crazy scenario popped into my head.The car breaks down, I get pulled over for speeding or a traffic check.  All in my nightshirt. I will never question the outfits I see on Live PD ever again.  I am sure I would have been quite a sight if an officer had pulled me over and told me to step out of the car.

Fortunately, I made it to the landfill and back without issue.

I doubt I will ever do anything that foolish again. Note, I said I doubt it, not that I am 100% sure I won't make a stupid decision like that once more.

See you next week.

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