Sunday, August 11, 2019

Recent happenings and random thoughts

Let me start by telling you I have started writing four blog entries in the last two weeks.

I have saved them for future use.

I just wasn't feeling them. I think at some point I will pick up where I left off and they will be shared.

Their titles are:
The places I loved living best.
People that have changed my life.
The meaning of a buck.
If inanimate objects could talk.

But as I have been advised before by my creative editor, write, write, write.

Here I go with attempt number five.

Jenn paid off her student loans! YAY ! No government free ride for her. I am so proud of her!!

I took several selfies after a recent haircut and color.  I didn't share any of the selfie's. Are you wondering why? I noticed in each picture one of my eyes doesn't open as much as the other.  The more I tried to open the problem eye the other one opened more.  All of a sudden I looked like I had seen something shocking. My eyes were open so wide and yet they still were noticeably not the same size. At least when I look at my C-section scar (which runs up and down and droops unevenly). there was a great reason for that scar.  Eyes that don't open evenly, no good excuse.  It is not droopy eyelids, it is just the eyes don't open evenly.

My staycation this week consisted of:
Staying up late
Sleeping late
Binge watching shows
Morning coffee at Waterfront Park
Friday afternoon cocktail hour at the beach

I also checked my Itunes account and had a lot of money sitting out there from gift cards. I decided to buy some of my favorites movies. 

My collection now includes:
The Intern
Under the Tuscan Sun
The Proposal
Devil Wears Prada
It's Complicated

Along with my random thoughts, I read something that was true and made me laugh. The one skill from High School that I use each day is not Algebra, History or Science. 

It is typing or is now called keyboarding. 

Think about it.  Every single day.  My mistake was peeking at the keys when I took typing class in high school.  Because of my peeking, I have gotten through college and my entire work history typing with just two fingers.  The pointer finger on each hand is all I have ever used. Yes, I am old enough to say I took TYPING as a class.  In case you are wondering, yes, it was an electric typewriter. I will admit when I was young I actually used a manual model my Dad owned.

Well there you have it, the blog entry I finally got through with all of it's randomness.

Just one more thing I heard during my binge watching that I loved.

Quote of the week from the TV show The Middle.

It's about each person's legacy and how we all march to the beat of a different drummer and you know what!  That is OK !!!

See you next week.  Promise!

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