Sunday, September 8, 2019


We started hearing about a possible hurricane two weeks ago.

Florida was going to take a big hit.

My concerns were twofold.

I have a lot of family and friends in Florida.

My team at work covers the state of Florida.

A hurricane in the mortgage business can put everything at a standstill.  Re-inspections have to be ordered once disaster areas are declared.  Insurance companies stop writing policies until the storm is over.  All this can lead to challenges and  issues.

And of course, there is the worry about family making it through the storm safely.

Then last Saturday things changed, all of a sudden South Carolina was in play.

Sunday, the Governor announced mandatory evacuations for the "Lowcountry" starting at noon the next day.

Lane reversals were set to start Monday.

Monday was supposed to be a day of rest since it was Labor Day.

No such luck. It was packing up day and shut down the house day.

As we got ready to leave, I looked carefully at each room of my house.  Taking pictures in my mind in case it was damaged during the storm.

Jenn has taken pictures and video's of each room in the house for insurance purposes.

One of us was very practical and the other very emotional.

I said a prayer that all would be OK.

I also asked Mom, Dad and Dan to keep an eye on the house.

Tuesday we hit the road at 6:10AM.  We were very lucky traffic was terrific.

We are also blessed to have Mary open her house to us weekly and for evacuations.

We dropped everything at her house and went to work.

Then all we could do was wait and wait and wait.

I was slightly obsessed with the weather reports.

The island I live on was shut down.  The gate at the bridge onto the island was locked.

I couldn't go home even if I wanted to.

Thursday, we were told the mandatory evacuation was lifted. 

Friday, it was time to pack up and head home.

Once again the traffic was not too bad.

As we drove on the island, there were signs of the storm but nothing too catastrophic.

There were some very big branches several feet long in the back of the house.

Our driveway looked like a carpet of leaves and debris.

Inside the house, it looked just as it had when we left Tuesday morning.

Time to put the house back together and unpack.

Drifting off to sleep in our house was wonderful. 

All of my fears had been for no reason.

Saturday morning, I woke up at first light.  I wrapped a blanket around me as I sat in my recliner.  I felt such a sensed of peace.

It was wonderful.

This is the third hurricane in the three years I have lived here.

It was the second time I have evacuated.

It doesn't get any easier with each passing storm.

See you next week.

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