Sunday, October 6, 2019

Autumn in New York vs South Carolina

New York.

Sweater weather.

Leaves crunching under your feet.

The range of leaf colors, orange to gold to red.

Fireplaces burning.

Apple picking.

The smell when you turn on the heat for the first time in months.

Everything pumpkin.

Football, the pro’s.

South Carolina.

Flip flops.

Summer clothes.

Outdoor pool is still open into November (and the water is heated for those southern chilly mornings).

Leaves a paler green, finally turning some other colors but usually not as vibrant as up north.

Apple picking.

Through Thanksgivings of going back and forth between central air and beginning to turn on the heat,

Complaining it is cold when the temp is in the 50’s - 60’s.

Pumpkin everything.

Football, college first then the pro’s.

Serious tailgating.

Leaves ready to be raked right around the time the Christmas tree goes up ( which tends to be Thanksgiving night or the day after turkey day).

Each location has its charm.

I do miss the true division of the seasons but never putting away flip flops for long is part of the trade off.

I do get to use my wood burning fireplace. I do get to wear sweaters. I do put a pumpkin by my front door.

And as the days get shorter, I do hate commuting home in the dark.  Why is it that getting home at 7:30 in the dark seems so much later than getting home at 7:30 while it’s still light out?

With the passing of each day, I get closer to my favorite day of the year. Hallmark will start showing Christmas movies 24/7 on October 25th.

I know, I know there are those of you who do not share my love or obsession regarding Christmas.

Yesterday, Jenn found an ornament she knew I would like.  I didn’t have the heart to put it away.  It found a home next to the ceramic Christmas tree that I leave out all year as a nightlight/decoration.

I have made it a tradition to leave out a few Christmas items (ornaments or some other little items) just as a reminder to me that my favorite day and night will return again.

Meanwhile, enjoy the autumn season no matter where you live.

See you next week.

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