Sunday, December 13, 2020

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

It has been a long, long time since I wrote you a letter.  You might find my previous correspondence filed under Donna Raboni.

How are you and Mrs. Claus?

I hope that this crazy year of 2020 hasn’t had a big impact on all of you at the North Pole.

In all honesty, it has been a challenging year for all of us.

My list this year is more about wishes than material things which I am sure is pretty common with people my age.

Do you have any pull with regard to making 2021 a better year for all?

I would like the word COVID to be erased from our vocabulary.

I would also like to see people feel more of the Christmas spirit.  I know it is hard as we all have different challenges in our lives and this can weigh us down. Can I ask you to help those who need it to find even the briefest moments of joy?

You might remember me as one of the people who starts thinking about Christmas around July 4th.  I also watch at least one Christmas movie each week of the year.  Thank you, if you had any involvement in the creation of the Hallmark Channels.

If I could have a wish or two, it would be to go back to Christmas’s of my past: one from when I was a child, one as a teenager and one as a young Mom.  To have one more Christmas with my parents and friends I have lost would be amazing.  I guess the fact that I have those wonderful memories stored in my head and heart is about the best you can do.

I want to thank you for being such a special part of my life as the anticipation of your arrival has always been among some of the best moments of the year.

So let’s just say I would like health, happiness, joy, laughter and love for all of my family and friends.

I will be looking to the skies on the night of the 24th, the best day of the year, hoping to catch a glance of you and your reindeer.

Safe travels and please wear a mask.



PS would it have really broken the bank the get me an Easy Bake Oven back in the 60’s?

Saw you next week.


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