Monday, May 27, 2013

Pomp and Circumstance

Yesterday, I attended the graduation of a dear friend's son.  He was the last of the High School graduations I will be attending for a close group of friends in Columbia.  This group of friends have been through a lot together including attending each others children's rite of passage from HS to College.

While listening to Pomp and Circumstance, my mind traveled back to all the other occasions where I have heard that song played.I have to admit it......I hear the music and I get choked up.  Why?? I think it has to do with the all of memories and the hours that built up to this final moment.....this final procession.

I think back to May 1966, when I watched my father walk into his graduation from NYU.  He was 33 years old and had just finished 10 years of college and law school at night.  The hours of sacrifice by both my Mom and Dad to make that moment took a lot determination to get to that moment. 

My own HS graduation was held on a football field on a Sunday afternoon.  I remember thinking how will I get through a day without these friends and knowing most of them..... I would never see again.  The longest friendships I have maintained in my life are my HS friends.  I am lucky to have them still in my life.  I didn't go away to college so as a commuter I didn't have the chance to build  the friendships other make while living away from home.

My college graduation was a big occasion for me since my brother  and I graduated on the same day from the same college.  We had a running bet over who would graduate first....technically it was a tie.  I received a Bachelor of Arts and he a Bachelor of Science.  I had my diploma holder in my hand first but when we went to turn in out cap and gowns, he was given his diploma and I was given a bill from the library that I had to pay before they would give me my sheepskin.

With Jenn I went to a slew of graduations, day care, kindergarten, 4th grade, middle school, high school, college and her Masters Degree.  Each was a special day and seemed to go by in the blink of an eye.  The one constant besides Bob and I at each of these occasions was Mom.  She was there for each of her grandchildren's graduations right up until she left us.

I didn't expect the flood of emotions I felt watching my friends son, Michael walk down that aisle to the graduation song......happy times, the reward for a lot of hard work and something to celebrate.  Thank you Michael for giving me the opportunity to share in your big gave me a chance to think of all those graduations I have attended and reminded me of the special people I shared them with.......

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