Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Undies Are Too Big......LOL!!!

Sometimes it is easier to shop online.  I know my sizes and don't pick out anything crazy that I am sure will not fit.  I have ordered everything from nightshirts to bathing suits to t-shirts to work pants online.  Seldom do I have to return anything.

Until now......OK guys you might want to stop reading here......

I ordered 3 bra's online and yes some panties (why oh why do that word bother me???). I ordered my regular size.....

What a mistake.......

The bra's....were.......huge.  I put them on and looked like a jackass......

Now I am not small in the boob dept......(ok I am not small in any dept except self-esteem)......anyway....the cups could have been used a a baby swing or two connecting tents......

Next the panties (ok I really hate that word....ugh).....OMG they could have been used as a parachute.....when I took them out of the package I thought no way these will fit me they are enormous....

But I thought well maybe I am bigger than I think.  So I tried them on.......thank God no one saw me....even I burst out in laughter......they hung down to my knees.....that were so loose and covered me from under my boobs to my knees......I have never seen anything so ridiculous in my whole life.  I could have kept them to use as a tarp on our roof !!

Well, I didn't return them.......I gave them to Goodwill.....all brand new and never worn except the 10 seconds they were on my body.......

Well at least I can use them on my tax returns next year as a charitable donation.........and it was worth the laughter........

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