Sunday, June 30, 2013

How Do I Make Fear Stop Ruling My Life........

I have let fear make so many decisions for me.....

Fear of falling.....
Fear of standing out.....
Fear of unknown places....
Fear of dying.....

This has led to me being so cautious where I walk. It has led me to not trying to walk to places I would like to see.  This has led me to limiting where I go.   This has led me to missing some great adventures.  This has lead me to missing out on life.

Fear of change.....
Fear of doing things alone......
Fear of flying.......
Fear of not completing my bucket list......

This has led me to staying in situations that need to change.  This had led me to missing out on what I assume would be some great adventures. This may lead me to maybe never traveling to the places I have dreamt of  :-(  .   If I let the fear take over how can I complete my bucket list.

I need to stop being afraid and start doing.  I have a bucket list and I need to start checking off tasks.  One problem is finding the time.  When you work the hours I do.... finding the time to smell the roses is limited.  Will the office close down if I leave work on time to hit the gym......probably not......but I am afraid of falling behind.......

Getting on a plane to travel places several times in the last 2 years has been a very big challenge for me.  I did it but not without a lot of angst, stress and fear.  UGH......

I want to write more.....once again the problem is.....finding the time. 

I want , I want, I want........but how do I fix this part of do I go from  planning everything and I mean everything to the nth degree????

How do I become impulsive when I am a control freak?????

What the hell in my life made me this it only my weight???? Is that the killer of my self-confidence and the creator of my fears????

I really have to find some answers and do some soul searching........I need to change........I don't want to be the person always listening to others adventures, saying goodbye to others as they go off carefree.........I want to be the writer, the traveler, the adventurer........

I just have to figure out how to to take that first baby to look my fears in the face and say "you are not stopping me anymore!!!"

The only problem is I am too afraid to.........

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