Monday, September 2, 2013

The TD Wellness Challenge

The company I work for (TD Bank) is starting a company wide wellness challenge.  Teams of employees competing against each other and getting healthy in the process.

I am part of a team called "Keeping It Real".  There are 7 other co-workers on the team.....very competitive people I might say too.  The challenge involves either exercising or taking extra steps.  I chose as my part to exercise.  You could also put down you weight and track that too.....nope not doing that on a work website even though they say it is do I know the government is not tracking this info for release.  I sure do not want to end up testifying in front of Congress about my weight due to NSA leaks.....

My Friend, DeAnna, was the one who got the ball rolling.  She asked me if I wanted to be on a team with her.  Then we found out we would need at least 5 team members to compete.  I wasn't sure we would get that many but then everyone on my team at work decided to join in.  A few people from other teams asked to join there we are 8 in all. 

Having friends from work as part of a group is great for me.  I need the support during the day. 

This week-end I went to the gym 3 out of 4 days and jogged in the pool an hour each time.

I went and signed up for Weight Watchers again...I know I know how many times have I done some point it has to work right......I went to the meeting as if I had never been on the program before.  I feel so focused now I just have to not let myself slide. I have also promised myself that I will not let my mood be determined by what happens on the scale each week.  I think that was part of my downfall in the past.....I now know I am more than a number.  That is why I love the Special K commercial where ladies are measured with a tape measure that doesn't show inches it shows positive words instead.  I like that no more it's a bad week if I am not down at the scales.....PROMISE!!!!

I went food shopping and have already made a cucumber, tomato and red onion salad for tomorrow (ok don't talk to me after lunch since I will eat the red onion).  I also bought and cooked some shrimp to have for lunch.  Yes, I will write down what I eat.  That is the thing that I find the most difficult to stick to but I really need to do this if I want to be successful.  People who track what they eat do better at losing weight. 

I am not setting a goal for myself as far as what I was to see on the scale.  I am just going to do the best I can. 

So here I go least I don't quit......I may slack off at times but I still know where I want to be......healthier. 

And I hope you are not all out there saying how many times have we read these words before???  If you are thinking or saying are right......I may fall down but I continue to get up.....and isn't that half the battle???

I have to continue to put me first.........I have to believe in me.......and need you to believe in me I am asking all of you my cheerleaders to hang in with me once again as I restart....set back to zero.....and begin again........maybe all the stars and planets are in alignment this time.......I can't give up the Donna I see in my head......maybe she is a dream.....maybe she doesn't exist any where but in my head and heart.....but that's ok....I can see her and hopefully some day you will all see her too..........

1 comment:

  1. We believe in you Donna!! I think now is a great time to restart and you are the motivation for us up North too!!! Keep up the great work!!! Love you!!!
