Sunday, November 24, 2013

All I ever wanted to be was 18......

I was  born on Thanksgiving. 10lb 4 oz!!! (ugh even then weight was an issue) I swore the Macy's Parade was for me!! I don't remember some of those early birthdays but here are some I recall......

On my 8th birthday, I wanted a birthstone ring.  I remember seeing a little wrapped ring box on the table and not being able to open it until we had my birthday cake that night.  I still have that ring 50   years later.  In fact, I gave it to Jenn on her 8th birthday since our birthdays fall in the same month. 

Then next big thing was 13......I couldn't wait to be a teenager!! That meant I could join the teen club at our church. 

At 15, I had my first surprise party.  We had just moved out of the Bronx a few months earlier and I didn't know too many people so my parents invited over the few friends I had for dinner.

Sweet parents in a moment of insanity let me invite 16 of my closest (LOL) girl friends for a sleep over.  There were girls sleeping all over....the dining room, living room and den......there was pizza and chatter all night.  Poor Dad had to step around girls no matter where he looked.  And I am sure he was just thrilled when they decided to serenade him with a variety of our favorite songs while he tried to read his Sunday paper and drink coffee.....poor Dad!!! LOL!!!

18 was a biggie!!!! I was legal!!! Yes, there was a lot of drinking and partying that night!!! 18 was a great year.....I made $29 a week from my part-time job .  It was enough money to pay for gas for my pinto, buy my cigarettes (gave that up years ago), jeans from my favorite store OM and drinks at the bars.  I was in college and having the time of my life.  And I fell in love for the very first time!! Oh and I was finally able to vote.....even for my Dad in local elections. Yes, 18 was a wonderful year!!!

29 was special since it was my first as a Mom.  On that birthday, I gave my Mom flowers as thanks for all she had done for me!!

For some reason the rest seem to have passed in a blur.....some have fallen on Thanksgiving which is a treat.  There was a year when we went to the parade and my family ended up having all the people standing around us join them in a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday to me....LOL......

The time from birthday to birthday seems to go quicker and quicker.......but as I get older I understand each one is something special to I feel old?  No!! In my head I am still in my 20' body may disagree but that OK because I am working on that.......

So while 18 was an amazing year, each year of my life has had gifts to celebrate!  

So on to the next one and the next one and the next one........and so on and so on......

Thanks for reading and sharing your comments!!!

Hugs to you all!!!

Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving........and to the crazies out there like me.....Happy Black Friday!!!!!

See you next week.......

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I Think I Might Be Getting The Hang Of This Positive Thing.......

I can see where positive goes to positive......I know there are bumps in the road but by putting my focus on the brighter side I am feeling happier.  No.....I am not whistling Zippy Do Da out my butt....but I am feeling good about life in general.  Not every day has some earth shattering event that makes life great but it truly is the smaller moments.....

Most of you know I write in a journal every night.  I write 5 good things that happened during the day.  Now I am more aware of the unexpected blessings that I may have overlooked before while I was searching for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Here are some examples:

1.  I was down to $9 in my checking account last week and had to pay a bill for $200.  I was stressing and then the mail showed up and a check I had been waiting for was there for.......$202.64......I looked at the check and said, "Thanks Mom!!!"....LOL

2. USC and the Giants both won!!

3.  I have  the Weight Watchers e-tools on my iphone and Jenn and I went through the pantry and fridge and scanned all my favorite foods.  Now I can track my foods so much easier.

4.  One of my co-workers bought me an Egg White McMuffin for breakfast on Friday as a treat.

5.  I had my haircut and was able to work with it and not struggle too much.  I even received a few compliments on it.

6.  Cracker Barrel now has healthier options on their menu.  Jenn and I went there yesterday after the gym and I had egg beaters scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, fruit and grits for less than 400 calories. Not bad at all!!!!

7.  I found the Weight Watcher peanut butter brownies at Publix......I bought 4 boxes in case I can't find them again for a while.

8.  I remembered to charge my aquabeat (waterproof IPOD) before I went to the gym to jog in the pool.  Nothing worse than getting in the pool to jog and the batteries are not charged!!

9.  I love hearing from my cousins on FB.  This week I tried to comment more on postings and it is true you get what you give......I have had more "conversations" this week by reaching out more.  It's funny what people think of you and you don't know it......a friend from high school referred to me as "smiley face" and a constant source of happiness......I guess I am trying to find that person again.  It's kind of like when I look at old pictures of myself and think "boy you looked good then" but in my head even then I was fat.  Yes I am working on the self-esteem!!!!

All that being life perfect....absolutely not...but by trying not to let the negatives drag me down I am feeling better.....

Besides looking for the good things.....I am still focusing on the weight thing and the tough part of the year is coming up.  I have to try to avoid the landmines.  Even with a few treats aka slip-ups I will not enter the New Year with any extra holiday pounds .....maybe even down a few......promise!!

I wish you were all here to hug or laugh with or just to have a nice long visit with......know that you are all always in my heart.......I don't mind my heart being big..... and full of love....isn't that the way it is supposed to be....

See you next week.....

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Still Finding Good Things, A Birthday and A Chance Encounter.......

Continuing my quest to find good things at little or no cost......they just keep popping up!!! 

1.  In an office move, one of my boxes was misplaced.  Was it one with all kinds of work info.....nope.  It was the one with the family photos, mini zen garden and a assortment of my favorite quotes.  Well it was finally located....WOO HOO!!!!
2. Had a great time with Jenn yesterday celebrating her birthday.  Just one fun event after the next.....including a new daring color nail polish for my tootsies.
3. Finally did what I said I would do....checked the pantry and freezer BEFORE food shopping.  When I go food shopping tomorrow my bill will be alot less since I decided to shop in my pantry and freezer first. Also have some coupons for some buy one get one items too!!!!
4. Enjoyed the first few minutes after I wake up and feel comfy under my blankets.
5.  Already had a back up pair of flip flops to replace the ones I had been wearing and wearing and wearing.
6.  Made time each evening to do some reading.
7.  Opened a "Cookie Jar" account at a local credit union with a small amount to finally start saving for a trip to Italy.  I will throw a few dollars in there when I can..... it makes the trip finally seem real.  I will be using my loose change to add to the account too!!
8.  Went to Bruegger's for Bagels for my team and guess what...... it was free cup of coffee day......nice treat!!

Can't wait to see what good things turn up in the next 7 days......

Jenn and I both took off yesterday for her birthday.  It was so much fun and I love the adult she has become.....but her birthday always reminds me of Mom and Dad.  For Dad, I think Jenn's birth was the last thing on his bucket list.  He had done just about everything he wanted to do and he already had 4 grandsons.  I think he was happy to finally add a granddaughter so he could cross that item off his list.  I made Jenn laugh yesterday when I told her the story about Nannie waiting for her to be born.  My Mom and sister came to the hospital when I had been in labor several hours.  They waited patiently through the night.  Finally about 7AM, Mom had had enough and demanded to see my Dr.  The nurse told Mom the Dr. was sleeping,  Mom's response was "I am sure my daughter is not sleeping so I don't think Dr. Kim should be sleeping either'"  Poor Dr. Kim came  to talk to them.  Mom said labor should not go on for 24 hours without something being done.  Then Dr. Kim gave me up.....he told Mom I was fighting for a regular delivery.  Thank goodness Mom couldn't come to see me.....she probably would have slapped me and said, "take the drugs and get this over with!!"  I did end up with a c-section about an hour later.  And my advice after that to any  expectant mom was "take the drugs!!!"

One more thing.....I usually don't strike up conversations with strangers.  It is just not something I am comfortable with.....but occasionally I will try.  Jenn and I went to the Hallmark store to look at ornaments.  I finally finished looking around and sat on the bench outside the store.  A lady came out with a VIP bag that Hallmark was giving for $50 purchases.  I asked her what was in the bag. We started to chat.  I found out she bought ornaments for each of her children each year since their birth.  She shared with me she had lost one son when he was 26.  She talked about his daughter/her granddaughter.  By the time the conversation was finished we were both in tears.  Not sobbing but blinking back tears.  Then she said " there is  my daughter" and went to get in the car.  She turned and looked at me for a second and smiled...... I said to her "Merry Christmas!!"  "Same to you!!" she said back and then she was gone.  I know Thanksgiving is a few weeks away and wishing someone a Merry Christmas may have seemed silly but to me those were the perfect words for us to part with......

See you next week......