Sunday, November 24, 2013

All I ever wanted to be was 18......

I was  born on Thanksgiving. 10lb 4 oz!!! (ugh even then weight was an issue) I swore the Macy's Parade was for me!! I don't remember some of those early birthdays but here are some I recall......

On my 8th birthday, I wanted a birthstone ring.  I remember seeing a little wrapped ring box on the table and not being able to open it until we had my birthday cake that night.  I still have that ring 50   years later.  In fact, I gave it to Jenn on her 8th birthday since our birthdays fall in the same month. 

Then next big thing was 13......I couldn't wait to be a teenager!! That meant I could join the teen club at our church. 

At 15, I had my first surprise party.  We had just moved out of the Bronx a few months earlier and I didn't know too many people so my parents invited over the few friends I had for dinner.

Sweet parents in a moment of insanity let me invite 16 of my closest (LOL) girl friends for a sleep over.  There were girls sleeping all over....the dining room, living room and den......there was pizza and chatter all night.  Poor Dad had to step around girls no matter where he looked.  And I am sure he was just thrilled when they decided to serenade him with a variety of our favorite songs while he tried to read his Sunday paper and drink coffee.....poor Dad!!! LOL!!!

18 was a biggie!!!! I was legal!!! Yes, there was a lot of drinking and partying that night!!! 18 was a great year.....I made $29 a week from my part-time job .  It was enough money to pay for gas for my pinto, buy my cigarettes (gave that up years ago), jeans from my favorite store OM and drinks at the bars.  I was in college and having the time of my life.  And I fell in love for the very first time!! Oh and I was finally able to vote.....even for my Dad in local elections. Yes, 18 was a wonderful year!!!

29 was special since it was my first as a Mom.  On that birthday, I gave my Mom flowers as thanks for all she had done for me!!

For some reason the rest seem to have passed in a blur.....some have fallen on Thanksgiving which is a treat.  There was a year when we went to the parade and my family ended up having all the people standing around us join them in a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday to me....LOL......

The time from birthday to birthday seems to go quicker and quicker.......but as I get older I understand each one is something special to I feel old?  No!! In my head I am still in my 20' body may disagree but that OK because I am working on that.......

So while 18 was an amazing year, each year of my life has had gifts to celebrate!  

So on to the next one and the next one and the next one........and so on and so on......

Thanks for reading and sharing your comments!!!

Hugs to you all!!!

Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving........and to the crazies out there like me.....Happy Black Friday!!!!!

See you next week.......

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