Saturday, December 14, 2013

10 Days To Go.....

I can't believe another Christmas is just 10 days away.  Wasn't it just the 4th of July???

I am happy to report with the exception of a few things that are still on their way to us we are pretty much done!!

As I write this there are cookies baking in the oven.  We made all the batters and then started baking and it seems to have gone well.  We have one more cookie chilling in the fridge and can bake those tomorrow.  Jenn has promised a lot of the people she works with cookies on Monday and I am bringing some to work.  I didn't make my favorite cookies to avoid additional temptations!!

The inside and outside of the house are decorated.  Thanks Jenn!!! She did have to use a cattle prod a few times to keep me moving!! 

Jenn has also kept up with the wrapping and mailed some cards for me.  Please don't get mad if you don't get a card from is one of those chores I hate......I would rather talk to you on the phone or send you an e-mail.....or text. 

I haven't felt as stressed as I have other years with the big day approaching......that is a very good thing!!

I can't believe that next weekend right before Christmas I can do some fun things like going to see a local light display or watching my favorite version of "A Christmas Carol" and not worry about what I still have to do.

This week will be busy with a haircut, holiday breakfast for the employees, dinner with the managers, and my team's Christmas lunch.  All of which will be fun and make for a fast week!!

While I go through these days between Thanksgiving and Christmas I can't help but think about holidays past.  I am so grateful for those memories!!! I was just telling Jenn about one of my earliest memories.....we lived in a 5th floor walk up in the South Bronx,   it was close to Christmas and I remember sitting on the kitchen table "helping" my mom make Christmas cookies.  Then my Dad and brother George came into our apartment with the Christmas tree.  It was maybe a 5 second a short video but I can see it as clear now as all those years ago. 

In just a few short weeks we will all be reflecting on the year ending and making resolutions about the New Year ahead.  From now until the end of the year is filled with a lot of land mines for choices involving things you don't get to eat all year and not enough time to go to the gym.  But I have promised myself to not go crazy with the food but not to deprive myself either.  I also plan on hitting the gym everyday I am off between Christmas and New Years Day.....a nice jump start to 2014!!

Just a few more comments......

First..... thanks to my friends who e-mailed or texted me and said "where is you blog entry?" is nice to be missed. damn dog.....back to the vet again....cha ching cha ching......I could probably take a nice vacation on what I have paid the vet this year for his ear and skin issues....ugh.  He is not the easiest pet to have and has been know to bite the hand that feeds him but when he greets me when I walk through the door from work it is hard to not give him a big greeting back

Third......I am still counting my blessings each day......whether it be listening to Christmas music on my IPhone.......or laughing with a co-worker.........or the nice feeling just before you fall asleep .....or a hot shower in the morning........I am grateful for them all.......and for all of friends and family.......

See you next week.......promise!!

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