Sunday, December 22, 2013

Twas the Week Before Christmas or I Said It Would Be A Crazy Week and it was......

As I said last week, it was going to be a busy week........

Monday night I got my hair cut and highlighted.  It was shorter than it has been before and definitely lighter.  Someone at work actually called it blond.  I call it highlights so my thin hair doesn't stand out as much.  I don't wear my glasses when I get my hair done so when I put my glasses on it is then I see the finished product.  This time I have to say Wayne surprised me and I loved it.  It also doesn't hurt to get so many compliments about it........

Tuesday was the employee breakfast and that went well.  The food was catered in and that meant less stress.  That night was the managers dinner.  I thought I knew where I was going but when I walk in the restaurant the manager said "TD isn't having a party here."  OK so me dopey had to call another manager and say "where is the party?" 

Thursday,  I stayed home in the morning to finish a test I had to take for work.  Isn't there ever a time when we can stop taking tests???? As I headed to work around 11:30,  I stopped to pick up lunch for my team as a Christmas gift.  We had lunch together and had our gift exchange. 

Saturday started by taking my damn dog to the vet......ugh.  Grooming, med's for his rash and shots!!  Then it was breakfast with a friend followed by shopping.  I made more cookie batters so I can ship them out this week.  I was planning on baking them early Sunday.

That's when my plan went to as they say here "to hell in a hand basket"....(still not really sure what that means) phone rings and next thing I know I am in my car heading to the office.  I was obviously not prepared to leave the makeup, hair just dried from the shower and no hint of having tried to style it at all, an old t shirt, Capri's and flip flops (thank God I remembered to throw on a bra)......

So here I am racing down the highway, foul mood, looking frightful, not feeling great and swearing like a sailor.....get the picture??? Now the hard part is I am going into the office to take complaint/questions from customers and I have to be friggin Miss about a stretch!!!!! I get settled about 10 minutes late but I am there and ready to go.  One of the ladies on my team offers to come in and we decide she will come in from 2-4 and I cover from 11-2,  I worked on reports, emails, time cards, plans that need to be finished while I wait for the customer calls.....and wait and wait.....finally after 90 minutes,,,,the phone talk time with the customer 3 1/2 minutes......210 seconds.......and then I wait some more........another 90 minutes and then phone rings talk time.....4 minutes.....240 seconds.......then it is time to leave.  OK so on the upside (which I am still trying to find in ALL situations) I got a lot of other work done which means Monday will be less stressful. At 2:15 I head home.....

Once I get home it is time to work on the bills for the week.......I realize I forgot to write down a payment I had made this week....uh balance in my checking account is $12.79 until payday on Friday......guess it's time to roll up the loose change.....LOL.....I work in banking and forget to write down a payment....I am such an ass!!!!  I try to look for the good in this..... this is really a stretch but then I think....... it's a short week with Christmas in the middle of the week.....I really don't need anything additional this week and will be able to get the things I need for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day on what I have left in the bank.......I also have enough money left in my wallet to mail out the last of the cookies so all in all I am OK......

Good things:
The last batch of cookies is in the oven.......the house smells great from them baking......

I was able to see my 2 favorite Christmas movies this week...."It's A Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol" with Alistair Sim.....

It's a short week coming up.......

It's Christmas........I love Christmas Eve more than any other day of the is the day when anything is possible.......

Merry Christmas to All!!!!

Until next week.......

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