Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Best of 2013 and Dreams of 2014

Like many of us do whether it be consciously or subconsciously I took a look back at the past year to see what the high points were......I didn't want to focus on the lows....

The best event of the year was the Welch Ohana Family Reunion. !!! A 5 day love fest!!!! Meeting new family members, seeing family members that I hadn't seen in 25 years......the love I felt was overwhelming!!! Here I sit almost 6 months later and I can still feel the warmth I experienced at Osage Beach.

Trips to the beach......the smell of the ocean, golf cart rides and sitting watching the waves while reading a good book, listening to my IPOD, enjoying an adult beverage and people watching.  How much better can it get than that????

Doing three different jobs in the same year and surviving them all!!!!

Searching for and finding peace within myself.  Learning to love me....

I could go on and on about 2013 but it is time to look ahead to 2014.....

Spending time with friends and family is on the top of my list!!!!

Health, exercise and weight loss always make the top of the list too.  I started the year with a nice drop on the scales.  As I experiment to see what works for me I will share both the successes and failures. One thing that has finally sunk in is to eat when I am hungry not because it is 9:00 or 12:00 or 7:00......this has really worked well lately.

Doing my job to the best of my ability but realizing that my job is not my life,  I need to take time to smell the roses......

Recently, I have had a chance to see what life is like without major stress and IT IS WONDERFUL!!!! I am happier now that I have taken more control of my life. Good for me!!!!

I am trying to be more positive about myself....this can be hard at times but I am getting better at it!!

The New Year ahead is like a blank someone on Facebook is a new story with 365 pages......well that is right up my alley......

In just the first 5 days/pages, I have watched some great football, spent some time with good friends, got on the scale and was happy with what I saw, I did a lot of cleaning, donating and organizing, I accepted more invitations to do things instead of passing up what could be fun opportunities......not bad for 5 days.......can't wait to see what the next 360 days hold......

The future looks bright and I am trying to turn some of my dreams into realities......I am feeling good and excited about the road ahead!!!!

Walk with me and you can see what happens next.......

See you next week........Happy New Year......2014.....feels like my kind of year!!!!!

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