Sunday, January 12, 2014

I Still Remember Love.....

It took many, many, many years to figure it out.......

It's not the prestige or the job or the car or the house or the salary that's it and getting it.....that matters most when all is said and done.

I recently read an article about people older than me....and yes there are a lot of them...they talked about things that matter most in life.  One of the things they said is the importance of saying "I love you" when you can ....sometimes you will get an "I love you" back and sometimes the other party might not reciprocate.  They said it is worth the risk.....

That comment got me thinking about love and my life.

I remember walking with my Dad more than 50 years ago and him holding my hand. Occasionally, I would squeeze his hand and he would squeeze mine back.  To me it was a silent I love you.

A few years ago, I was visiting my Mom.  We were sitting next to each other and she reached out and held my hand.  I squeezed her hand and she squeezed back.  It meant I love you.

I have said I love you to people and had it said back.....I have also had them not respond.  It hurt but at least it was honest.  I would hate for someone to say I love you just to say it and not mean it.

One of the first things I said to Jenn when I held her for the first time was "mommy loves you".  I had no idea how much that love would grow over the years.

There has been loved that has faded too......that is sad but a reality.

Last summer with my Ohana, I probably said I love you more in 5 days than almost all my life and I meant it.

I need to say it more.....when I mean it.  I hope that when I do I will get the same response back.  I willing to take the risk......what do I have to lose?

My coworkers know I am not a big hugger....but why not....I should accept the hugs.....I should give the hugs......I have to not worry about what people think.  A good hug is wonderful.....

Saying "I love you" and giving a good much better can you get that that????

So watch out family, friends, coworkers.......don't faint, don't be shocked, don't think has she lost her mind.......if I give you a I don't mean I am going to be all over the place hugging people.....I just need to make sure that the people I care about know how much they mean to me......

Like the silent meaning of squeezing my parents hand.......just go with it......say it......don't let the moment pass out of fear of the response.........

When all is said and done.....what matters more than love?????

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