Sunday, January 26, 2014

WOO HOO Over 20,000 page views!!!!!!

Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!  This blog has been viewed over 20,000 times since I first started writing it almost 4 years ago!!!!

Whether it has made you laugh, cry or think about something it has all been worthwhile for me!!!! I may not have achieved all the goals I set forth when I wrote my first entry but that's OK because I am still a work in progress.  I feel better about myself emotionally, I have made and shared some big decisions, I have slowly worked on getting healthier and losing weight (OK much more slowly then I would like), I have shared embarrassing moments, funny times and let you all watch me grow up (not out).

I weigh less than I did when I started writing (although no where near my goal).  I can jog in a pool for an hour.  I can go a few miles on an elliptical.  See the pattern......I can, I can and I do.....

I have taken you with me to Dr. visits, through a job or two, into my fears and have joined me on the road to a family reunion and on the trip to say goodbye to my Mom.  We have shared holidays, birthdays, births and deaths.  We have shared life!!!

Your comments and feedback have been helpful and appreciated!! I have been told when I hit the nail on the head and when I might have missed the mark.

You have gotten to know my passions for sports, family and friends, writing, laughter and most of all giving and receiving love.  So many of you have shared your love with me.  So many of your have shared your thoughts with me.  So many of you have opened up to me because of what I have written.  So in giving to you by my words I have gotten so much back in return!!!!

I am so grateful to Carol, my trainer at the time who suggested I put my feelings into words.....without her suggestion this blog would not exist........and I would not have taken the chance to share my thoughts or feeling, my ups and downs and I would not have taken the chance to step out of my comfort zone.

Well here's to the next 20,000 page views.......I will be here writing and sharing and grateful to all of you.......each of you have added so much to my life.......more than you will ever know......

See you next week........

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