Sunday, November 17, 2013

I Think I Might Be Getting The Hang Of This Positive Thing.......

I can see where positive goes to positive......I know there are bumps in the road but by putting my focus on the brighter side I am feeling happier.  No.....I am not whistling Zippy Do Da out my butt....but I am feeling good about life in general.  Not every day has some earth shattering event that makes life great but it truly is the smaller moments.....

Most of you know I write in a journal every night.  I write 5 good things that happened during the day.  Now I am more aware of the unexpected blessings that I may have overlooked before while I was searching for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Here are some examples:

1.  I was down to $9 in my checking account last week and had to pay a bill for $200.  I was stressing and then the mail showed up and a check I had been waiting for was there for.......$202.64......I looked at the check and said, "Thanks Mom!!!"....LOL

2. USC and the Giants both won!!

3.  I have  the Weight Watchers e-tools on my iphone and Jenn and I went through the pantry and fridge and scanned all my favorite foods.  Now I can track my foods so much easier.

4.  One of my co-workers bought me an Egg White McMuffin for breakfast on Friday as a treat.

5.  I had my haircut and was able to work with it and not struggle too much.  I even received a few compliments on it.

6.  Cracker Barrel now has healthier options on their menu.  Jenn and I went there yesterday after the gym and I had egg beaters scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, fruit and grits for less than 400 calories. Not bad at all!!!!

7.  I found the Weight Watcher peanut butter brownies at Publix......I bought 4 boxes in case I can't find them again for a while.

8.  I remembered to charge my aquabeat (waterproof IPOD) before I went to the gym to jog in the pool.  Nothing worse than getting in the pool to jog and the batteries are not charged!!

9.  I love hearing from my cousins on FB.  This week I tried to comment more on postings and it is true you get what you give......I have had more "conversations" this week by reaching out more.  It's funny what people think of you and you don't know it......a friend from high school referred to me as "smiley face" and a constant source of happiness......I guess I am trying to find that person again.  It's kind of like when I look at old pictures of myself and think "boy you looked good then" but in my head even then I was fat.  Yes I am working on the self-esteem!!!!

All that being life perfect....absolutely not...but by trying not to let the negatives drag me down I am feeling better.....

Besides looking for the good things.....I am still focusing on the weight thing and the tough part of the year is coming up.  I have to try to avoid the landmines.  Even with a few treats aka slip-ups I will not enter the New Year with any extra holiday pounds .....maybe even down a few......promise!!

I wish you were all here to hug or laugh with or just to have a nice long visit with......know that you are all always in my heart.......I don't mind my heart being big..... and full of love....isn't that the way it is supposed to be....

See you next week.....

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