Sunday, February 16, 2014

What a crazy week......

You know my life is pathetic when the words "Jim Cantore is coming to Columbia"  gets me excited.....

Mr, Cantore (I don't know if I should really call him Jim) is usually seen in big weather locations.  So his pending trip to Columbia was newsworthy.  Yes, our local news and newspapers even mentioned his arrival.

Jim Cantore meant one thing.....the snow/ice/freezing rain event that had been predicted would come to pass. Monday, all the mangers were told to take their laptops home in case we had to work from home.  I dragged it back into the office with me Tuesday.

The storm finally arrived Tuesday night, it continued all day Wednesday and finally ended around lunchtime Thursday. By the time it was over, we had a lot of ice and snow on top of it.  We never saw a plow or town truck on our street during the entire storm.  The roads and driveways were a sheet of ice.

I was so prepared to lose power and cable......we tend to lose those utilities when we have a 10 minute thunderstorm during the summer and it's out for hours.  I feel I can now say this and not jinx myself........we didn't lose power at all (except for about 3 minutes on Friday) !!!!

My office was closed Wednesday and Thursday.  We had a delayed opening on Friday. I am fortunate that I have a job where I can work from home with ease.  I was on conference calls, calls with  regional staff, calls to customers and co-workers.  I was able to IM and email anyone I needed.  Thank goodness last week I purchased an office chair for home use.  At least at the end of the day, my back didn't ache.  My hips were a little sore but it was so much better than using a dining room chair. I worked a longer day but at least I didn't have to drive anywhere!! It was also a treat to take 10 steps and get to the Keurig for coffee throughout the day.  I thought of my Dad and how amazed he would have been at the ease at which we can work from home now.  I didn't feel like I missed a beat all 3 days.

By Friday afternoon a lot of the snow/ice was melting.  Things were slowly returning to least I thought they were......

I was sitting in my bedroom watching TV when I heard a rumbling noise and the wall in my bedroom moved like a wave.  Is asked Jenn if she had heard anything....she said she had.  I asked her to check out in our cul-de-sac and see if there had been an accident.  Nothing there.  I thought maybe it was one of the jets from the local Air Force Base.....nope. Then I got a text from a friend.  She lives about 30 miles from me.  She said "did you just feel that?'  The hair stood up on the back of my neck.  I told her I had.  She came back with one word "Earthquake".  I have to say it kind of freaked me out.  The local news said it was a 4.4 quake about 60 miles form us.  It was felt in Georgia, North Carolina and all over South Carolina.

Within 2 weeks we have had 2 snow events and an earthquake.  I think thats enough!!!! I know, I know my family and friends up north are saying "my God she has become such a weenie!!"

Well  tomorrow is Monday, it is supposed to be in the 60's this week and I can go back to wearing my flip flops.

As I continue my quest to find the good they are:

I can return to work tomorrow and not have to play catch up from being out of the office for 3 days.
We never lost power.
I can work from home.
I love the commute from my bedroom to my office at the dining room table.
Oh and every day is casual dress day when working at home.
The USA hockey team has two wins.
I was down again at the scale today.  Not huge amounts but very consistent which makes me happy!!
And I went to gym both days this weekend.  I jogged in the pool for an hour each time which equals about 8 miles of jogging.

Not too bad I would  say........I do feel a need to check the Farmer's Almanac to see when the locusts are due to arrive.....

See you next week......

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