Sunday, April 20, 2014

Doing Some 1st's For Me.......

I have a while to go before the next significant birthday ( even though I am at a point in life where each birthday should be significant and celebrated).  I read a FB post by someone from high school.  She wrote about spending 12 months doing something new every month.......something she had never done before.  I loved that idea and have decided that between now and that next significant birthday I am going to give it a whirl.  I would like to do 12 things in the next 19 months that are 1st's for me......

Jenn was talking about going zip lining with her class next fall.  OK not a chance of me doing that......I can picture myself either breaking the line or getting stuck in the middle or weighing it down so much I just hang in midair.  You can also be sure I will NOT be hang gliding, parachute jumping, running a marathon or be in Spain for the running of the bulls.

I am starting to make a list and if you have any suggestions.......I am willing to listen.  Here are some I have already thought about......none is earth shattering or life endangering.

1.  Get a tattoo.
2.  Get a 3rd hole in my ears.
3.  Learn to eat with chopsticks

see where I am going with this....

4.  Sing kareokee
5.  Go to an Italian Restaurant and try to only use Italian (thanks to Marika and Rosetta Stone).  In order to do this one I will have to complete all the lessons in the Rosetta Stone I bought a year ago and am finally using).
6. Run a half marathon in the pool at the gym

more ideas.....

7.  Submit one really good article to several magazines and get something published (OK I can't guarantee about the publishing part but I have to at least have to write something and get it submitted)
8.  Speak in front of a group of at least 100 (I have a huge fear of speaking in front of large groups)
9.  Maybe officiate at a wedding in SC.  Hey, I am a Notary so I SC I can perform wedding ceremonies.
10.  Make a cheesecake from scratch.

these are all possibilities.......but I am running short on ideas.......that's why I need your help......

I am NOT guaranteeing that I will fulfill all the suggestions but at least it will give me some more ideas. I am not looking for life threatening tasks just things a little out of my comfort zone.

I am also going to try to meet one friend once a month whether it be for dinner, breakfast, lunch or just coffee.  I keep saying I am going to see people and I just don't get around to it.  Do I know that many people that I can do this......well I guess I will find out......

I am already going through changes in my personal life so I don't want any of these tasks to be in relation to that.....

Also no mountain climbing, water skiing, jogging, eating weird foods or anything where I could lose my balance.......

I will write an entry any time I do one of these 1st's and let you know how it went....was it fun....was it terrifying.....would I do it again......or never ever again.....

There will be enough permanent changes heading my way in the next few years.  These 1st's are supposed to push me to try new things but not scar me for life!! (OK except maybe the tattoo)...LOL

I am not including the work at weight loss or setting goals for that......that is a work in progress so no need to put that on the list and it sure as hell isn't new to my life!!

So let the games or suggestions begin.......can't wait to see what you some up with......

Until next week.......see ya.....

PS thank you all for not mentioning my type "O" from last week where I put untied instead of has been corrected!!

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