Monday, June 30, 2014

Patience or the lack thereof......

When you are a child one of the things your parents teach you about is being patient.

Wait and take your turn.

Wait for your next birthday.

Wait for the first day of school.

Wait for next Christmas.

Wait to drive.

Wait to be legal.

Wait to vote.



You would think by now I would have gotten it...... and I thought I had but now.......

There will be a lot of changes in the next few years but the one I want the most.......moving to my next location is a few years off.......and it sucks to wait!!!!

All of a sudden I am like a child.....wah wah wah.....I want it now.......I don't want to have to wait to see the ocean all the time or to sit on my patio or deck drink my morning coffee and smell the sea or to have my home office where I can work or live out my passion of writing.........

I know I can and do write now but it's not the same as living the life of my dreams and having the peace I feel near the water.

Each time I look at locations I like I want it now.......

Each time I picture myself  I see me wrapped up in a story I am writing.....I want it now......

I always thought I would get to a point in my life where I would feel content and settled and I guess I will but it will be at an older age than I anticipated.

I have to get there....I must get there......I was meant to be there.......just not now..

I just have to be patient.........for now........

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