Sunday, September 28, 2014

What You Might Think Is A Surprising Example To Follow.....

While I am writing this is I am watching the Red Sox game......Derek Jeter just got a base hit and left the game.  I will admit I had tears in my eyes watching him leave the field.

In case you don't know (and I don't know how you couldn't).....I am a die hard Yankees fan!! Today is a sad day for me.......I will not have the pleasure of watching Derek Jeter play for the Yankees again.....

I have followed his career since he came up to the majors all those years ago.  When I lived in NY I went to many games at the old Yankee Stadium and when I moved south I made several trips with friends to Florida to see the Yank's in spring training games.

So what have I learned from that 40 year old .....crap I was out of high school before he was born....ugh!!

Watching him this last season, saying goodbye, knowing the time to leave, seeing by the calendar that time was running out and showing how to exit with class........I have learned a lot about how to move on with the changes in life.

Letting go of the past, saying goodbye to Chapter Two of my life and moving ahead not completely sure of what Chapter Three holds in is a big change and there have been some tears.  Hey.... if Jeter can get chocked up in his final game at Yankee Stadium I think I am entitle to a few tears as I move forward and occasionally look at my past.

I can't or won't share some of the things I learned or experienced this week but I now have some of the answers I was seeking.  Tough answers and many were what I anticipated but had hoped would not be the case.  The information I now have and how it will impact my future weighs heavily on me.

Does this information change my plans......possibly...........right now I think it has more impact on the timing of the future changes......I will just have to see how it plays out. Let's just say I have so much to sort through and figure out.  But I guess it is better than being in limbo and not having the answers......right?

Everyone's weeks have their ups and downs....some are minor like having to change a pedicure appointment.......others are more serious......such as how do I go about planning my retirements some day and will I still get to my dream location.....the beach.  Well, the answer appears to still be yes to both of those but it will take some adjusting and refiguring.

That mountain that I said I was climbing in my recent posts.......well I slipped a little down hill this week.....but I grabbed the rope in my reach and held tight so I didn't slide too far back into the valley. Once again continuing my climb.

So thanks Jeter for teaching me about moving on and saying goodbye........who would have thought good old #2.....the Captain would be an example I can emulate.......moving on to the next part of my life with a smile and a few tears.........

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