Sunday, December 21, 2014

I Am Worried and unusual for me..... Surviving Christmas.........

If you know me well enough you know I can find just about anything to stress or worry about.......anything!!

I could make a career of worrying......

What if the air conditioning breaks down in August?

What if it rains when I plan to go to the beach?

What is my car needs tires?

What if I over sleep?

What if, what if, what if...........

So here is my new worry.....

I am down 32.8 pounds so far on Weight Watchers since September......that is great.....right? But I am still worrying and maybe it is justified......

This will be my toughest week.......I love Christmas Eve is my favoriate day of the year........and Christmas Day runs a close 2nd.......but we all know what that means.........

Food glorius food.  Treats we do not enjoy all year round.....we have a chance to eat during those few precious days.  I want to eat a Thumbprint cookie, I want to eat a hot dog wrapped in bacon, I want a baked clam, I want some hot and cold tortolini.......I want, I want, I want.......

Do you see where I am going with this????

With the Weight Watchers program, I am  allowed to have all of those things....within reason.....watching the portions.....and practicing self-control.

And that is why I am stressing and is so hard to have one cookie.  I want two or three.  One baked clam.....maybe.  But those cute little hot dogs.........I can pop several of them in my mouth without blinking.

I don't want to go back to WW next week and be up on the scale........I am hoping to hit the 35 pound mark by the first week-end of the New Year.

Normal people do not think about food 24/7......I do. I have to in order to plan.

So I sit here the Sunday night of Christmas week trying to figure out how to do it??  Have I learned enough to just eat one cookie?  I am not sure.  Can I eat celery with cottage cheese mixed with ranch dip while the rest are having lucious blue cheese dip with pretzels? Can I choose between the hot and cold tortolini?

The answer is ........I DON"T KNOW !!!!!

I have worked really hard to get where I am but it has also been easy up until now because the temptations were not they will be spread out before me.....

All I can do is try.....and try I will.  I just let out a big sigh because this will be so challenging for me and my WW buddies.  Tomorrow morning,  I will grab my iphone and start planning my week.

Oh crap, I hadn't even thought about drinks......yes, alcohol.......ugh!!!!

Well, next Sunday I will be at my WW meeting either a success or a failure........but bottom line I really a failure or just a failure in my own mind??  I am not going to gain back all that weight I have lost if I slip up.......right?

Please send me some good vibes and  positive  thoughts this week.....lots of them!!!!

I don't see a huge difference in my ass or thighs but I did compare two picture recently......not full body of course.......not ready for that yet........but when I compare the two pictures I do see a it just me or do you see it too??

Have a Merry Christmas!! Yes, I said it ....not Happy Holidays.....MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

See you next week!!!!

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