Sunday, February 8, 2015

I Can See Clearly Now.......

I got into the shower this morning and things looked things I mean the shower curtain liner, the walls, shampoo, etc. I was confused.....why did things look crystal clear?????

Yes, you guessed it.....I got in the shower with my glasses on.....ugh.

What happened to my eyesight?  Did it start going downhill around the same time my boobs started heading south??

I was driving somewhere the other day and the sunlight hit my legs.  And what did it see?  Ugh.....I had missed a section while shaving my legs.  Why did I miss a spot?  Because I can't see in the shower.

I quickly I rectified the situation but lord knows what else I missed and who might have seen me with that unsightly patch.

Note to self: inspect legs carefully before exiting the shower......double check the pits too!!

I used to get up in the morning take a shower thrown on a little make up blow dry my hair and off I would go.

Now, I grab for my glasses.  I line up the variety of vitamins and pills I need to take.  I shower.  I put on a lot of make-up. Do you have any idea how hard it is to put on make-up when you can't see it because you can't wear your glasses?   I take a lot of time fixing my hair (oh and I guess they are right that hair runs in cycles because mine is now thicker than it has been in years).  What I used to do in minutes now takes an hour.  And you have seen the finished are you now scratching you head saying......"and that is what she looks like after all that work???"

It figures that as I start to get healthy other  parts of me I wasn't worried about are falling apart.

This morning at my weekly meeting, my leader was asking members about how much weight they had lost.  She then mentioned "the new and improved Donna who was scaring everyone in the class".  We all laughed and I said "I am scaring my family too!!!!"

I am finally feeling the weight coming off.  I feel like I am in a zone and am so afraid I will fall out of it. As of today, I have lost 44.4 pounds.  I am hoping next week to lose that .6 pounds to get to 45 pounds.  Then I can focus on 50. I am moving around a lot easier than before for me that is but still have a long long way to go.

The hard part is when you are as heavy as I have takes time for people to notice.....not that is should matter to anyone but me but I am shallow and don't mind people asking me if I have lost weight.  Maybe by the time I take off another 40-50 it will be more evident.    

The reflection in the mirror is improving.....when I have my glasses on that is.........

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