Sunday, February 1, 2015

Lose Weight Gain Confidence.......Another Stand Up Comedy Performance...

I don't know what is happening to me.......

In just about every situation I can think of I hate being the center of attention..... I sit in the back row......I gravitate to people I know......I try not to stand out.......

But then I go to my Weight Watcher meeting and this other person I do not know shows is me but willing to get up in front of the class and carry this the real Donna????

This morning I arrived at my meeting at 9:02.....I weighed in and had another good loss.....I was able to earn another 5 pound star. I was afraid I would miss getting my new star.......

So I ran into the meeting room yelling "I need to get my star!!! I need to get my star!!!"  I ran right up to the front of the room......who the hell do I think I am???

Everyone in the class laughed......I then did my stand up about how great I felt, apologizing for not wearing my make-up since I woke up late and on and on........the people in my class kept laughing, clapping and cheering.  I think I have lost my mind with my weight.

Lord help my class when I hit goal......I may never leave the front of the room.......LOL.

My self-confidence is soaring up while the scale is going down.

41.8 pounds gone.......while sticking to focusing on 5 pounds at a time next up 45 pounds and then I get my 50 pound charm.  They might want to duct tape my mouth.....not to keep food from going in but to keep me quiet......if I show up with my own microphone my class should run for the nearest exit.......

Most of you would not recognize the Donna who shows up on Sunday morning at my meeting.......maybe I can have someone video tape the lunatic who appears pretending to be me and you can see what I mean......

Although most people know I have a great sense of humor but on Sunday I act like I am at the comedy store.......

I am having fun.......although I have a long long way to go.....this is the lightest I have been in 9 years......anything before that was a blur as I don't know how I got from "normal" 30 years ago to the person  who weighed 53 pounds more than I do now at my all time high ( I had dropped a few pounds on my own before starting WW).......

This week I gave up soda and drank more water.....which is great.......except........I was peeing every friggin hour.....I was told my body would adjust to all the water I am consuming......I sure hope it does soon.......I need to sleep and not be up half the night........

Picture a slightly smaller Donna, tired from lack of sleep, water logged and thinking she is the funniest person she has ever met........note I said she has ever met.......everyone else might be thinking.....hhhhhmmmmm......

Goodbye soda.......goodbye cheese......I will miss you.......but I am liking me more which makes it all worth while.......

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