Sunday, June 14, 2015

I Am Not A Quitter......

OK so the scale did not say what I wanted it to today. I hate the scale!!!!! I looked back over my week and tried to figure out what I might have done wrong.......

I ate the way I was supposed to......I went to the gym......I pooped regularly (oh get over it....yes pooping is important and you don't want to go into a weigh in with any excess baggage so to speak).......

Was it the bamboo shoots, snow peas and water chestnuts with soy sauce on Friday??
Was it the fact I didn't drink all of my water?
Can you really eat too many brussels sprouts?
Can you eat too many veggies?
Is it the carrots that I have added to my veggie list?
Did I not move enough this week?
Did I not give myself enough variety?
Did I give myself too much variety?

Do you see how confusing and mind boggling this process can be??????

I stayed for my meeting.......I didn't cry.......I just gave it a lot of thought.  I have reset my goals I hope to hit 75 pounds gone by my birthday.  If I hit it before that great but I am trying not to put too much pressure on myself.  Pressure and stress can be my enemies.  What a great birthday gift to myself  to be 75 pounds down (and I always remind myself to add on a extra 10 pounds to whatever I lose since my all time high -at least recorded from one of my previous WW memberships was 10 pounds more then when I started this time).

I came home and cooked all my veggies.  I cut up my all my salad ingredients so they can be ready at a a moments notice.  I made some WW muffins.  I am in good shape for the week.

I don't think moving the bar further out is a bad thing.  I am trying to be realistic.  The one thing I am sure of is this time I am not giving up!!!!!! My health has improved and I am way more mobile than I have been in years  Yes, I still have achy knees and hips......I am still not ready for long walks or 5K's but I am up and down and all around in stores, my kitchen and the gym. Silly as it sounds I don't dread walking to the ladies room 4-5 times a day.....that's what happens when you drink that much water!!

So what am I worried about......I am going to NY for my nephews graduation soon.....yes, I am going to the land of real pizza, fabulous bagels and the amazing Rockland Bakery where the fresh rolls and Lintzer Tarts are to die for.......the WW philosophy is that you can eat these moderation......a few ladies at my meeting had some good suggestions such as have one treat a day, use my extra weekly points and be prepared with foods I can eat that will keep my points in control and me on track.  This will take more planning than I have done since I started WW last fall but I am sure I can do it.  If I could get through the holidays and continue to lose surely I can get through a few days in NY..........I hope.......OK hell yes I can!!!!

That elusive 60 pounds is still out there but close enough to touch.  I am seeing the progress and making strides.  I cannot be defeated.....not this time......but can it be just a tiny bit easier.......please.......

It has been a life long battle but one I will win.......I am sure of matter how long it takes......I am not a quitter............

See you next week........

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