Sunday, September 27, 2015

Learning to throw things out......

In some ways, I am a pack rat.  Not like the hoarders show on TV......I just tend to keep things.

Yesterday, Jenn and I went to the office.  I am going to switch offices soon so it was time to purge and move.  We emptied the overheads and desk drawers.  Then I got overwhelmed.......there was stuff everywhere.  Jenn rolled over the shred bin and I started to go through papers....lots and lots of papers.  Most of them were training materials......all of which have either been updated or are available online. Some of the documents were 4 years old.  Well that shred bin was much heavier by the time I was done.  Then there was a box for things to bring home.  I know I had gotten carried away with things on my desk.....little things here and there....way too much "stuff".  Into the "take it home box" it went. Then we moved the things I don't need right now to my new office.  There was a lot of junk in my new desk drawers so I used hand sanitizer and cleaned them out.  Before I knew it, we were done. I am now partially in 2 offices but the things I have left to move when the official move takes place will be easy to relocate.

Then when we got home I looked at my pile of magazines.......Family Circle, Good Housekeeping, Coastal Living, Weight Watchers and the Food Network......I kept saving them saying on maybe I will want to try this recipe or that decorating idea.....enough was enough.  The recycle bin nows weighs about 50 pounds....OK maybe that is a slight exaggeration......but all the magazines are gone.....well except for a few food network issues which had either holiday suggestions or food I love on the cover.

Last night, I took another trip through my clothes.........once again I decided to get rid of some.  Too big or am I ever really going to wear this again was part of my thought process.

I am ready to pitch my herb garden and trade it in for pumpkins and mums.  No, my spider plants are not getting pitched.....yet.....they tend to last into November.  I usually trade them out for the Christmas lights so they can hang around a bit longer.

During this process of getting rid of things I found some pens I really like, nice new t shirts and there is actually a top on the small chest I have in my bedroom (all the magazines had been piled up there).

Things look fresh and declutered......I still have a lot of "stuff" that at some point I will throw away or pack up but I am not quite ready to do that yet.  I figure it will have to be done before I head to my next location but since I have time before that happens I don't have to do it right now.

The great part was I had the energy to do all these things!!!! Part of the getting healthier and more mobile process.  I keep thinking to myself....just a year ago I couldn't have done this or that.......and that makes me happy.......just part of the long and winding road on my journey.......but at least now the steps are a little easier and lighter.......and on I go.......

See you next week......

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