Sunday, October 4, 2015

Brief glimpses of memories.....

Have you ever had a flash of a memory even if just for a split second??

Right now we are in the middle of a major water event in Columbia.  I had flashbacks to my house flooding a few years ago due to an inside plumbing issue.  It was a royal pain in the ass......huge fans blowing throughout the house to dry it out, carpet being ripped up, furniture piled all over the place was also two weeks before Christmas but we got through it and the house was put back in order.  But as I lay in bed last night, I could heard the rain pounding on the roof.  I prayed.....a lot .....and several times....... that we wouldn't get water in our house......(OK and a prayed a little not to lose power). So far water in the house and the power has stayed on.

That got me thinking about other times when memories of the past have come back to me.......

Recently, I pulled a spoon out of my silverware drawer.  When I looked at it closely, I realized it was the last spoon from a set of flatware my brother and I bought my Mom one year for Christmas.  We were probably 10 and 12 years old.  We went to Alexander's Dept Store and if I remember correctly spent $12 for the whole set.  And that was close to 50 years ago.

My sister and I were shopping together one day, I told her to stop and close her eyes.  I saw a bottle of the cologne my Dad used to wear.  I opened it and put it under her nose.  She started to cry and said "Dad".

I can never bake a chocolate chip without going back in time.  I am about 5 years old sitting on the kitchen table "helping" my Mom bake Christmas cookies in our 5th floor walk up in the Bronx.  Then my Dad and brother come in the apartment carrying our Christmas tree.  The memory is only a second or two but very clear and vivid.

When Jenn calls and tell me about her new job......... my mind flashes back to the little girl wearing the apple print dress to her first day of kindergarten,

I can't wait until the way I didn't take care of myself for years becomes a glimpse of a memory......I am sure that will take a while......but it will happen.

Just slivers of memories.......for a split second you are taken back in time

So whether it be pouring rains, a spoon, the smell of cologne, making cookies or a little girl in an apple print dress...we can be transported in time......that for the most part brings us back to a place of warmth, happiness and love......not a bad place to go back to......

See you next week......

PS one more question...why is it bad weather whether it be snow or rain makes me want to it the smells of the food that are comforting??? Just wondering.......

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