Sunday, October 18, 2015

More To Figure Out

Last week, I was frustrated at my WW meeting.  The ups and downs I have spoken about before had returned. I talked to my meeting leader for suggestions.  Kay asked me if I like citrus fruits.  Grapefruit.....nope.  Oranges are OK but in all honesty......I am lazy.....I hate peeling them.  I told her I would give it a shot.  Kay also said more protein and lay off the celery.

I asked Jenn to pick me up brussels sprouts and cabbage.  She came home with a cabbage the size of a bowling ball. I am not kidding and it was heavy like bowling ball.   I cooked them both and ended up eating them during the week with my new love.....balsamic vinegar....yum.  Because of my laziness....I peeled the oranges all at once  and put each in it's own zip lock sandwich bag.  I found I really like them cold...right from the fridge. I made shrimp, chicken and turkey.  I also stocked up on raw almonds.

Well, my efforts paid off and I was a great loss at the scales today!!!!

But the hard part is I have new added things to my steer clear list......banana's, grapes, celery (really????) along with  cheese and so many other goodies.  Not that I can't eat any of them......I can have them all.......but just not as a staple every day.

And it's funny when you can't have water and crave them..I missed my hydraflask with ice and cold, cold water.  After two weeks, we no longer have to boil our water. After running the water for a while and throwing our alot of our recently made ice cubes we are back in business.

I know I was eating too much cheese before WW....but too much celery???? Well as I have said before it is all a learning process.

The other thing that happened this week were all little things in the scheme of things but should I have really had to replace the 4th window motor in my car?? I won't even say how much money I have put into this car to avoid a car payment, the mini blinds in my dining room decided it was time to stop working and break, at first the ice cube maker decided not to work but we got that up and running......none of these are major issues but just enough to have me thinking.......really?????

And also, why is it one second it is Friday night and then next thing I know it is Sunday night. All I did was run, run and run all weekend.  I had gotten tickets to go to the Statesville, NC Hot Air Balloon Festival but Jenn wasn't feeling great.  I woke up at 4:30 to go by myself but then I thought .....this is something I would want to share with someone.  And it is not like you can call someone at 4:30 in the morning and say can you be ready in 45 minutes to drive 100 miles to watch some hot air balloons take maybe next year......$20 up in smoke......but maybe that happened so I wouldn't miss my WW meeting this morning.

But there were some good things more boiling my flu shot.......USC was heavenly to wake up yesterday morning and it was bright out.......we are finally feeling a chill in the sister and brother-in-law came to spend time with us last Sunday afternoon.....I was able to see another NY Giants game on TV.......and life is slowly returning to the new normal in SC.....although for some people I know and were not as lucky as me......the effects of the floods will be part of their lives for months.......maybe years.....maybe who am I to not feel blessed.......

I am trying to build up the list of positives to offset the negatives and I think I am doing a pretty good job......the glass is half full theory........

Well that is it for the the timer goes off and my roasted cabbage is ready to come out of the oven.....

See you next week.........

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