Sunday, October 25, 2015

The List and What I Am Changing Up.....this week.....

First, let's talk about "the list".

I am pleased that I have been continuing to try new things.  No, I do not have the tattoo yet...... but have gone from going to the movies alone to attempting to do a painting of the beach.

I am a writer.......I an NOT an artist.  This week, Jenn and I went to a Breast Cancer Fundraiser where we painted.  The choices were a pink frilly dress on a form or a beach scene.  Like I even had to think about it......

I found the whole process interesting and it was also very social. The instructor gave us the basics of what to do and then it was on us.  The canvas was blank except for a few marks for the land.  We painted the sky and water.  Then we had to use the back of one of our brushes to track an outline onto the canvas using carbon paper.  I didn't even know carbon paper still existed...LOL.

We then filled in the areas on the canvas with all the colors on our palate. The instructor would come around and make suggestions but really wanted it to be our own creation.  At one point, the instructor stood behind me and I think was trying to ask me tactfully what I was doing with the water?  She them pointed out I need to use certain colors to reflect the sun, boat and island on the water.  I looked somewhat perplexed and then she demonstrated what she meant. 

It was hard to believe almost 3 hours had passed.  I have to say I was quite pleased with the finished product.  Here is my work of art:

And  now for the changing up part of this entry......

I had promised not to make myself crazy at the scale each week with the ups, downs, plateaus and the sometimes slowness at which I am losing.......

First, I have to remind myself I am 70 pounds lighter than my all time high.

Second, I am in much better shape health wise than I was just a year ago.

Third, the number on the scale does not measure who I am and only represents my gravitational pull on the earth......well you know what I mean....LOL

Fourth and this may be the most important........I am NOT quitting Weight  Watchers because it does work  and I will continue to go to my meetings each week BUT what I am changing is........I do not want to be told each week how I am doing on the scale.  I want to know every 4 weeks.  So, when I get weighed they will write it on their records and in my booklet.  I WILL NOT peek at my book and I don't want the person who weighs me to say "oh you had a good week" or "oh you are up a little"  I think going with a 4 week average will help me not make myself crazy  and the scale will not dictate my mood for the day or the week. Make sense???? It does to me. 

If I lose 2 pounds a month....that is fine with me!!! It means I will still be down another 24 pounds by this time next year.  I cannot let the pressure of getting to my goal take me over.......

I was lucky and the 1st 50 pounds came off relatively quickly.  I couldn't expect to continue at that pace but the numbers will continue to go down.......

I think this will help me keep a positive attitude and not so stressed on Sunday mornings.  We will see how it goes.........

See you next week........

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