Sunday, November 1, 2015

Ok So My Plan From Last Week Didn't Quite Work Out Like I Planned......

I wrote last week that I didn't want to know how much I gained or lost each week.  I wanted to work on a 4 week average.  It would make each week less stressful.  I went to my meeting this morning and told my leader and the lady that weighs me in my new plan.

Suzanne (the lady behind the scale) asked me if I wanted to know if I was down? I said no.  I gave her my WW card and the book I have with my record.  I got on the scale.  Then she said "I have to tell you".  I said "no".  She said again "I have to tell you!!!!"  I said "NO".  She said "you will really want to know this!!!!"  I started to laugh and said 'OK tell me".  Well, I was down a lot and am very close to 65 pounds.  I said to her while I was laughing "next week I do not want to know!!!"

OK so much for my plan.......what I think I will do is tell Suzanne that I do not want to know if I am up or down unless it is a big loss or I pass another 5 pound increment.......that should work.

I told the other members during our meeting about my plan to only know every 4 weeks where I am at. Most of them nodded their heads and understood my struggle. Then when I told them about how Suzanne and I went back and forth at the scale with Kay (my WW leader) in the middle of it......everyone was laughing.

So much for the best laid plans.......

I did try to switch things up again this week.  I tried a new recipe of chicken I had marinated in chicken broth, pineapple juice and lite soy sauce.   It was great!!

Fortunately, we had a lot of trick or treater's so there isn't a piece of candy to be found anywhere in the house.  I am thrilled that there isn't any calling my name from the pantry.  Plus, we didn't buy any of my favorite which is Almond Joy's.

Well, Halloween is over on to Thanksgiving.......the year has flown.  Hard to believe that in just a few short weeks the tree will go up. I already checked and a small local movie theatre (it only seats 100 people) will be showing  "It's A Wonderful Life" on the big screen less than a week before Christmas.  I will be purchasing tickets as soon as they are available.  I went last year and really enjoyed it.

I will be looking for small (and inexpensive) things to do from now until January 1st.  I will keep you posted as I find events and activities to attend.  While I focus on continuing to get healthy......

Oh one more thing......I told Jenn when my weight is where it should be......I want to go zip lining.....LOL.....yup....I said it........ zip lining.......for me that would be a real adventure.  No bungee jumping or parachute jumping  in my future but the thought of flying along a line high in the air is a challenge I think I can handle.......oh yes there will be pictures when that event happens and you will all know when it does.......I am also very brave saying this when I have a lot more weight to lose before I take on that challenge.......let's see what happens when the time gets closer....LOL.................

See you next week...........

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