Sunday, November 29, 2015

What a crazy 2 weeks......

It's hard to believe I haven't written an entry in 2 weeks.......the time has flown.

I spent one day in Crawfordville, GA traffic court.  Crawfordville, GA population 520.  I had to go to the Magistrate's Office for a hearing with the Magistrate, Court Clerk  and "the officer". I was charged with violating the "move over" law.  By the time we were done, the points were dropped and the ticket lowered from $300 to $200.  The "move over" law required that if you are driving in the right lane and there is a police officer on the right shoulder of the road with someone pulled over you "should" move into the left lane if it is safe.  I determined that it was not safe for me to make the move and for that reason I was given a ticket.  I made 2 trips to Crawfordville in order to plead "not guilty".  I was offered a trial with a jury of my peers but chose to meet with just the Magistrate.  The speed limit is 25 in the town itself.  The court room appears to be in a store front but once inside it looks like the Taj Mahal.  The Crawfordville PD was disbanded and taken over by the county but before that took place the town had collected $2,700,000 in traffic fines in just a few years.   So do you think I stood a chance.......not!! I was offered the opportunity to return a 3rd time and go to Superior Court.....really.....another day off from work and another 230 mile drive round trip?????I just wanted it over........

During the last 2 weeks, took the dog to the vet 4 times for a skin condition (this included two medicated baths at $30 each).  Jenn and I decorated the inside and the outside of the house.  I went for blood work and to the podiatrist.......all in all a very hectic couple of weeks.

Oh and I had a turned out very nice.  Lunch with a good friend, a pedicure and just the kind of day I wanted.

Thanksgiving had it's highs and it's lows.  My sister came to visit and that was great !! Jenn and I went Black Friday shopping Thursday night and Friday morning which is always an event and fun.  Other than that Thanksgiving was a minus 5 on a scale of 1-10. Read between the lines.......

I am trying to set time lines for the changes I need to make.  And I am definitely rethinking what I want to do for Christmas.........

I will figure it out......... 

My goal is to get through the holidays and maybe go down a little on the scale and worst case scenario remain the same.  Not overly ambitious goals but what I think are reasonable.....then like everyone else kick it back into high gear after the New Year.  I will make good choices this month but also don't want to feel deprived.......I have done this before and was successful so this year should not be any different.

I am feeling a bit down right now but focusing on the future and the opportunities I have ahead of me give me a reason to be hopeful.  I have made strides some areas this year and will continue to focus on those along with the news goals and changes.......I know that the down I am feeling will pass as it always does........looking at the lights on my beautiful Christmas tree makes my heart happy and gives my soul peace........

See you next week........

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