Sunday, December 13, 2015

OK The 4 Week Wait Is Over.......Well Kind Of.....I Did Cheat And Peek.....

In theory, my 4 week waiting period to see how I was doing at the scale was over a week or two ago.  And as I admitted.....I cheated and peeked a few weeks back and it was not good......then last week I had to look at my weight in my WW book to figure out my new points.  The WW program went through some changes so I had to see what my daily points were.......once again I was not happy with the number.

But as I have said before I am not quitting!!!! So this week I tried to work the new program.  It was not easy for a number of reasons.......
-my mobile WW app where I track points was not working right
-food items that I knew the point values on like the back of my hand ....had changed......and many had gone up
-it was a stressful week at home
-and on and on

The changes made to the program are really good and make sense.  It used to be that the point values were based on fiber, carbs, protein and fat.  Now they have added saturated fat and sugar into the equation.  That makes sense to me since sugar and saturated fat are bad for you.

On the upside the point value for chicken has gone down......but if you feel like a Dunkin better think again....the value of a glazed donuts almost doubled....yikes!!!!! Even WW snacks have doubled in point value.

And it doesn't help that I am heading into the toughest time of the year.....the next two plus weeks are killers.   But I have been reminded Christmas is really only 2 days and the same with New Year's.  I don't have to be out of control every day.  This week is the office holiday breakfast.  Usually, it is catered by Cracker Barrel......OMG I love Cracker Barrel.  The thought of Hash Brown Casserole.......and Biscuits.....yum!! I am going to try and stick to eggs and a little bacon....or maybe eat before I get to the office. I will have to see and give it some good thought.

Well anyway, I really tried to work the program as best I could and when I got on the scale the loss was the biggest one I have ever had........I am not giving out the number.......I will when the time is right.....but I couldn't believe the number I saw.  I am now at my lowest in many, many over 20 years!!!

The hard part is you get so busy around the holidays....I haven't been to the gym lately but I will be rectifying that the week after Christmas when all the rushing is over.  I am off all that week and am planning to go to the gym each and every day...........well I am at least thinking about it........that is a step in the right direction!!

I am also trying to enjoy the part of the season that doesn't involve food.  Last night, I went to see the lights at Saluda Shoals Park.  Today, I went and watched the Vet's Christmas Ride with it's thousands and thousands of motorcycles.  Next weekend, I am seeing "It's A Wonderful Life" on the big screen.  I sit and enjoy the lights on my tree and my radio is on the station with 24/7 Christmas music.  This week there is a lunchtime community sing at a local church......I may head over there for a 1/2 hour of singing Christmas Carols.....why not and it's free.

Ok here is something funny and shows you how old habits die hard.........this morning at our meeting my leader, Kay, asked if we wanted to have our regular meeting the Sunday after Christmas.......I did not raise my hand.......I know in my mind I thought well I can live it up some for those two days and then not worry about getting on the scale again until after the New Year but WW pals voted to have a meeting that Sunday.  I admitted to the class I had not voted and was hoping there would be no meeting.......but you can guess where my ass (and the rest of me) will be on 12/27 at 9:00 AM)....yup.....I will be at my meeting.......well at least I was honest enough to admit what I was thinking.

Please send me postive vibes to get through to the beginning of 2016.....I am not really worried about New Years Eve Or New Years Day as I have never been big on that holiday But Christmas Eve and Christmas......those will be my challenges.  But I will take it one day at a hour at a minute at a bite at a time.......that is all I can do and it has worked so far........

See you next week.................

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