Sunday, December 27, 2015

Oh Well There Will Be Another Christmas........

I have tried to be honest in this blog.......

I have shared the good.....and the bad.....without getting ugly (at least I have tried not to). This is another one of I write it or not??? But if I am writing these entries about my life then I can't pretend there are only happy and perfect times.  No one lives in the world of Hallmark Movies (but oh to spend one Christmas in one of those little towns).  No family is a Norman Rockwell painting.

I tried hard to find Christmas spirit and I did find it in small doses but it didn't sustain me enough to get me through the 25th......

I have come to terms the fact that I have had more Christmas's than I will have.......let's be honest here.....I do not have another 60 Christmas Eve's ahead of me.......and the fact that they only happen once every 365 days (or 366 in the case of 2016) what makes them so important to me.

Unfortunately, this Christmas was not one I care to remember.  I will just let it go at that and those of you that know me well can read between the lines. Suffice it to say sitting in an empty parking lot trying to figure out what to do next and then taking a ride to nowhere with Jenn and the dog would not have been part of the wonderful Christmas's I have experienced in the past.

I consider myself fortunate to have known the most amazing Christmas Eve's and Christmas Day's growing up.  I felt all of the magic and joy associated with the holidays. So I really shouldn't complain.....too much.....or feel sorry for myself......too much......

I have decided that I will make different choices when it comes to the holidays and it will be determined by what I want to do not based on a guilt trip.  Knowing the fact that I only have a limited numbers of years and holidays left to go (I know I know there could be many's not like I think is am cashing in my chips next year) I will no longer make my decisions based on ........well you know.

As the end of the year approaches I do look back on the good things about 2015......

-going to NY and seeing family
-going to Missouri and seeing family
-spending time with friends
- having something I had written critiqued by a group of authors
- seeing Barry Manilow
- seeing Wicked....yes again
- having fun at a paint class
- earning my first medal
-spending some time on Thanksgiving with my sister
-and yes being successful at Weight Watchers

I am sure there is more I could list if I sat and gave it some serious thought.

I think that's a pretty awesome list .......don't you agree???

I am looking forward to the New Year....the challenges.....the adventures......the firsts.......the metamorphosis taking place both inside and outside of me.......I plan on spending more time writing and working my Italian (thank you Rosetta Stone) and more time laughing and enjoying life with my family and friends.

Chapter Three is beginning........and I can't wait.......who knows where I will be in a few years.......I am working hard to be ready for whatever the future holds.........

So goodbye to 2015.......

See you next 2016........

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