Sunday, January 3, 2016

So How Is 2016 So Far???

Well it is really hard to assess a year based on 3 days.......

But if I had to looks like it is going to be a good year......

I ended 2015 spending time with friends.....still home in my jammies before midnight......which was fine with me.

The Christmas decorations are down and put away.  It is a job I dread even with Jenn's assistance.  I have loved looking at the tree for the last few weeks but once it is time for it to come down....I want it down.  I like when I am on vacation....when it is time to go home....I just want to get on the road.

I have gone to the movies twice so far in 2016......that equals the total number of movies I saw in 2015.  Both movies were very good and very different.  Didn't have to use a Sr. discount since the  movies were cheap on New Year's Day and when you go to the movies at 10 AM it is really cheap.  BUT getting a large bottle of water each and a popcorn to share was.........$16.....really????? Thank goodness we brought our own popcorn topping.

The new Weight Watcher program seems to agree with me.  I have  been down 3 out of 4 weeks including today.  It is always nice to end the holidays weighing less than when the holidays started. One of the topics in today's meeting is what to focus on in 2016....tracking, meal planning and activity were all discussed.  The group agreed it is about small increments and non-scale victories.  Our leader said when one member was asked "how much more weight do you want to lose?" Her response was "5 pounds". It kind of like's all about 10 yards.  I think from now on my response will be "5 pounds" because that is really what is it all about.

What I do have to watch is making sure I is that for a surprising statement???? For example, yesterday, I had 2 cups of coffee and suddenly got the shakes....bad.  Jenn asked me what I had eaten and I had to reply "nothing",  So she gave me some turkey pepperoni and I had a few slices of low fat cheese.  I did feel better after that and my intention wasn't to not eat.....I just wasn't hungry.  But I do have to be more aware and make sure I do eat......something. I did spend some time last night prepping veggies and fruit for the week.  I think having options ready does make me more successful.

Jenn and I also went to another Paint Nite class this week.....OK Picasso doesn't have to worry about me as far as competition that's for sure.....but it was fun and social and I woke up yesterday morning and my newest piece of artwork was hanging in my bedroom.

See you next week.......

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