Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ok So I Can't Be Trusted.......

My great plan to not know how I am doing on the scale each week........I will admit I peeked today......ugh not what I wanted to see......still down a lot but up a little while I wasn't I should be due for a down week next week....hopefully.......but I won't peek......hopefully......

Last week was Jenn's birthday.  We did our traditional make-overs.  They were fun and we were both pleased with the results.This time I actually volunteered to take a picture......not something I normally do!!

We also went to see the movie "Home Alone"(one of Jenn's favorite when she was young) on the  big screen.  I love that some theatre's are bringing back some classic movies to movie theatres.  The original "Miracle on 34th Street" is coming to a theatre in December.  We already have our tickets to see "It's A Wonderful Life" a few days before Christmas.

The funny thing was while watching "Home Alone" there was  a scene when Kevin (the main character) is walking home from church......I started to cry.  You could see homes with families together celebrating the holiday.  I miss doing that with my family.  I guess we just take it for granted when we have those times and miss them when they are gone.

Anyway after the movie, we went to a local restaurant for dinner....Pasta Fresca.....that sounds like trouble doesn't it?? Well I was very pleased.......they had a veggie dish with artichokes, mushrooms, red peppers and tomatoes in a marinara sauce. But this is the great part......instead of being on a bed of cheese tortellini....... I had it on a bed of fresh spinach.  (OK it did cost more to opt for the spinach which always confuses the heck out of me that it costs more to eat healthy) but it was delish and I even brought home some leftovers.

This week's topic was at my WW meeting was  ......Thanksgiving.  We were given points values for what we might put on our dinner plate.  Yes, to white turkey meat (3 points for 3 ounces and I think I may have 2 servings) but no to the skin.......yes to mashed potatoes (3 points for 1/2 cup so I might go for a full cup) no to sweet potato soufflĂ©......yes to canned gravy.....yes I said canned gravy.........yes to green beans (() points) no to green bean casserole.......yes to a tiny bit of stuffing......the total points value.......not too bad.  Now dessert......I love pumpkin slice 8 points but skip the crust only 3 points......I will have to think about that but a big no to pecan pie at 14 points.

The hard part is it is my birthday the same week.  I already have plans for breakfast with one friend and lunch with another,  I will have to plan and make good choices.  Breakfast at Cracker Barrel .......fortunately, they have a healthy options menu now so I can get through that......lunch at DePrato's......I will have to really think about that.......I will just adjust my dinner menu so it shouldn't be too bad.........hopefully.......

Speaking of birthdays........I have been really struggling with this one.......yes the first number starts with a "6".....I don't know how it could all the years have passed so quickly.......I know.... I know....suck it up are going to turn 60 on November 24th whether you like it or 60 the new 40 or at least the new 50??????

On the upside, I am entering this decade weighing less than I did when I entered my 50's  or 40's.......and sometime next year (not saying when.......) I will weight less than I did when I turned 30.

Now that is something the CELEBRATE!!!!!!! I have extended my life by making the changes and choices since joining weight watchers. When I think about being 75 pounds less than my all time high....I should celebrate.....just not with food.......

I  think of some in my life who would have given anything to blow out 60 candles on their birthday niece Maria......and some other family members and  friends come to mind........a coworker reminded me a birthday is to be celebrated not dreaded.......

So for the next 9 ....count 'em.....9 days......I am still in my 50's but the better part is the 75 pounds gone and the hope that when I am blowing out my 61st candle I will weigh what I did in my late 20' may take longer but I will get there.

You may get tired of seeing them but I need to remind myself of where I was just 2 years ago and where I am here are the pic's........

July 2013

Nov 2015

See you next week........

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