Sunday, September 18, 2016

Weekends Are For Relaxing???????

It starts simply......

Jenn said "let's clean out the spice/baking cabinet". And from there it was the pantry, the cookbooks, the book case, other cabinets and closets.

By the time we were done and on our way to Goodwill, the second seat in my Escape was filled to capacity. We had everything from clothes to coffee mugs to a toaster and other kitchen items and a grand total of 91 books......yes, I said 91 books.  Cookbooks, sports books, name it we donated it.

But do not fear.....we still have plenty of books I was not ready to part with......

I was able to organize the antique desk that was once my Mom's.  The desk now has all off my writing paraphernalia, my books about my dream trip to Italy, a book about Cheese, gel pens, glittered covered notebooks and on and on.  It is a space that is all about me.  I have my books filled with my 5 good things about each day that I have been writing for several years all in one place.

I kept cookbooks that have recipes that I might actually use.  I also couldn't part with my Betty Crocker and Better Homes  and Garden cookbooks I was given over 34 years ago. I also kept the binders I have with recipes I cut out and saved over the years.  Each binder has pockets which contain index cards with Christmas cookie recipes.  When you look at the well worn index cards you can see the history of how often they were used by the stains from vanilla and butter that ended up on them.

There were also some practical decision......old newspapers that seemed significant at the time were pitched, the coffee maker was donated since it was replaced by a Keurig a few years ago and some tops I bought just a year ago that have gotten too big are also gone.

As I write this, Jenn is still working.......I have run out of steam.

Due to all that work I have a great space of my own.  I  have more counter space in the kitchen and to I have reclaimed my living room which had become the Goodwill staging zone.

In addition to doing all this purging, Jenn and I also cooked and baked for the week.  We are both exhausted........what kind of weekend was this???? Not relaxing for sure but I am feeling a sense of satisfaction at all we got done.

Are we finished?  Yes, for this weekend but we there will be more weekends like this one in our future.....ugh.

I found time this morning to get back to Weight Watchers, after a few week break for Labor Day and I missed my meeting last week due to bronchitis.  It was good to be back and it was a well timed theme for me......tracking, tracking, tracking.......I had been slack the last few weeks but today's meeting definitely has me back on track (pardon the pun).

The last week has been a challenge for a variety of reasons and due to coughing fits.....I terribly miss sleeping in a position other than sitting up.

Not the most fun week I have ever had but at least it ended with a sense of accomplishment......

See you next week........

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