Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Long Hot Summers.....

A few months ago, I wrote that the year is over at Memorial Day.  The rest of the year seems to fly by. The stores have started to load up on "Back to School" supplies and you know what will be next......yes....Halloween decorations.

Off in the distance I can smell the scent of pumpkin everything.....especially pumpkin spice coffee creamer or Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte.....

Although the heat of the past week is just a reminder we are getting ready to head into the dog days of summer.  These are the days where a wall of heat hits you the second you walk out the door.  The days where you go from your air conditioned house to an air conditioned car to an air conditioned store or office.

I think back on the days of my childhood in the air fact when I shared a bedroom with my siblings there was no fan.  We were in a 2 bedroom apartment on the top floor of a 5th floor walk-up. The heat was stifling and you just hoped to fall asleep even though it was so hot.  I would flip my pillow over hoping to feel some coolness against my face.

When we moved from the South Bronx (near Yankee Stadium) to the Pelham Bay section of the Bronx, my sister and I shared a room.  In the summer there would be warm breezes that would make it's way through the alleyway between our upstairs apartment and the house next door.

When we moved out of the Bronx, I was 14.  We had upgraded to box fans in the window,  I was lucky and the fan pointed right at my bed.  My sister on the other hand had to sleep with her head at the bottom of the bed to try and catch a breeze from the fan.

It wasn't until a heatwave when I was pregnant with Jenn that I finally had a window air conditioner. It was in the bedroom of our apartment.  In order to survive the heat of the summer....we lived in our bedroom.  I ran a phone cord down the hall to the bedroom.  The TV was moved to the bedroom. An we even ate in the bedroom.

By the time we moved to our first home in Pearl River, we added 2 more window air conditioners.  I think someone gave us one and we saved enough money for the third. Now each bedroom had an a/c and the living room too.  I used to dread the annual "let's drag the air conditioners out of the basement day which usually fell around Memorial Day and the return trip to the basement in the fall".  They were heavy units and we had to take them up two flights of stairs.  I can assure you this was not done without some swearing and sweating. But the relief they provided was just wonderful.  Our windows which moved up and down with ropes and weights groaned as we would slide the units into place. They barely cleared each window.

When we moved to South Carolina, we learned the joys of CENTRAL AIR !!!! more trips to the more worrying the unit might fall out the more blocking windows !!

While the summers are hotter in South Caroline than they are in New York and Columbia seems to be the hottest spot in the state.......the central air makes it much more bearable and makes me much more bearable too......

I know the summers here are the payback for wearing flip flops in December and never really having to put my shorts away.  And yes....I have become a southern weenie.......I complain it is cold when the temps are in the low 50's....really!!!

Well, the days on the calendar are moving ahead and although I won't feel the crispness of fall leaves under my shoes or need a sweater until least the long hot summer will have passed and on we go through the rest of the year........

See you next week......

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Revenge of Barry Manilow.....

They say turnabout is fair play......and this week I found out that statement is true....

Two years ago, Jenn agreed to accompany me to see Barry Manilow.  It was not her first choice on how to spend an evening or her hard earned money.  We went with my sister, Cheryl, too. I had a great time and so did my sister.  As for Jenn, let's just say she got through the evening.  Her only comment was " he better sing Copacabana"....which he did for his encore.....thanks goodness.

Well time passed and there were no comment on paybacks....which we know can be a b****.

A few months ago, Jenn found out there was going to be a concert in Raleigh with groups she wanted to see but that would have to be an overnight trip.

Fortunately (I guess), Jenn found out there was going to be another date for the concert she wanted to attend in Charlotte.

And then it happened.....the words I dreaded hearing....."Mom, remember when we went to see Barry Manilow......."  I thought "uh it comes...."

Jenn told me she wanted me to go to the concert with her.  We would be seeing Paula Abdul, Boyz II Men and New Kids On The Block.

It was hard for me to say no considering our trip to see Barry.  The tickets were purchased and all we had to do was wait. Jenn was looking toward it with excitement and I was looking forward to it with dread.

Last Thursday was the big night.  We headed to Charlotte and made it there in time for the start of the concert.. The arena was packed.  Our seats were great (why do they provide seat when all people do is stand)?

I liked Boyz II Men (which I thought was Boys To Men) and  I didn't know any of Paula Abdul's songs but the choreography was great.

Now we get to the main act.....NKOTB......

And I do like Donny Wahlberg on Blue Bloods so seeing him as part of the group was different.  He definitely had a lot of fans there.....

I have pictures of Jenn from her 5th birthday when she got a basket filled with NKOTB shirt, sweater, sheets, pillow cases and bedspread.

And here I was sitting with her more than 25 years later watching the same group.

NKOTB preformed for over 2 hours.  They were entertaining, engaging and funny.

It was a great show and I had a wonderful time.....much, much better than I anticipated.


1.  I was not the oldest person at the concert.
2.  I know how to dress appropriately for concerts.
3. A three act concert is not over in 2- 2 1/2 hours....LOL.....the concert started at 7:30 and ended after 11:30. What was I thinking...3 acts in 2- 2 1/2 hours????
4.  I should not go to concerts during the week!! I need more than 3 hours sleep!! Since we were almost 100 miles from home and on the 9th floor of the parking garage we walked in the house around 2:15.  By the time I was changed and ready to go to sleep it was 2:45 and the alarm clock went off at 6:00AM.
5, I used to be able to get by on 2 hours sleep and wake up eat a bagel and  drink a YooHoo and I was good to go......not anymore.....
6.  Never ever ask Jennifer to go someplace or do something she really doesn't want to....LOL....well actually if the payback is as good as that evening was it I will be glad to pay back the favor!!!!

7.  Most important.......I can try new things. and enjoy them....this part of Chapter Three.....saying yes to more often than no.....

See you next week.......

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Hi....... Remember Me????

For the first time in the 5 or so years I have been writing this blog, I missed writing for 3 weeks in a row.  As a writer that is unacceptable!! As a person trying to juggle several balls in the air sometimes something has got to give.......unfortunately that meant by passing my blog.

At some point, I will share all that is going on in my life but suffice it to say my head is spinning all the time with all the craziness that is life.  Some do better at keeping it all together.....I on the other hand let it overwhelm me, confuse me and let my mind wander in a zillion directions.

And then there are the emotions.....dear God......the range of emotions.....I keep telling myself this is why I am a good writer....because I can feel things at so many levels......from sadness to joy and everything else in between.

The changes and craziness have put my quest to get healthy (aka lose weight) at a dead halt.  I do not have the flexibility to cook and eat all the things I love that help the pounds drop. Life has also thrown things in my way so I have no been able to get to the gym as often as I would like too.

But this whirlwind should end soon.......hopefully.....I am praying it does.

It is time for me to take back control of, I start tracking my food again (it is so important to keep track of what I eat and not assume that I know the points value), water,water,water (get the hint)....and move my body whenever I can (my fitbit was not sending out reminders at 10 of each hour to remind me I had not moved....that issue has now been resolved). I have to figure out foods I can eat that will help me but stay within the limitations I have right now.

One the positive side or the ledger......

I have made the UPS man crazy.  Most of my online clothes purchases have arrived and had to be returned due to being TOO BIG (so unusual for me!!). I have shipped things back and requested the next size down which has provided a better fit vs just hanging on me.  I also am paying less now for clothes because of the smaller sizes I am requesting.  I knew for years I was paying more for some of my clothes due to size so it sure is nice to no longer pay the add on fee!! I even went down another cup size in my bras!!....ok TMI LOL).

I was able to help Jenn mow the lawn yesterday.  In all honesty, Jenn did at least 2/3 of the lawn BUT I did the other 1/3....slowly and carefully.....I keep forgetting how unlevel the backyard is and well you all know my history of clumsiness......I was soaked to the skin in sweat but I was able to push the mower (not self propelled) to complete my portion.  Jenn did her side using one arm to push the mower (until the stitches come out tomorrow from here recent procedure) and I trudged along with aching knees and hips.....but we got it done!!

I have two writers conventions coming up in the fall....of course they couldn't be spread out....they are back to back in Beaufort and one on Pawley's Island. I am super excited about both events as I throw myself more into the passions of my life!!!

Lots of changes heading my way......I will fill you in as I move along.....all good things....promise!!

See you next week.....and that's a promise too.......