Sunday, July 9, 2017

Hi....... Remember Me????

For the first time in the 5 or so years I have been writing this blog, I missed writing for 3 weeks in a row.  As a writer that is unacceptable!! As a person trying to juggle several balls in the air sometimes something has got to give.......unfortunately that meant by passing my blog.

At some point, I will share all that is going on in my life but suffice it to say my head is spinning all the time with all the craziness that is life.  Some do better at keeping it all together.....I on the other hand let it overwhelm me, confuse me and let my mind wander in a zillion directions.

And then there are the emotions.....dear God......the range of emotions.....I keep telling myself this is why I am a good writer....because I can feel things at so many levels......from sadness to joy and everything else in between.

The changes and craziness have put my quest to get healthy (aka lose weight) at a dead halt.  I do not have the flexibility to cook and eat all the things I love that help the pounds drop. Life has also thrown things in my way so I have no been able to get to the gym as often as I would like too.

But this whirlwind should end soon.......hopefully.....I am praying it does.

It is time for me to take back control of, I start tracking my food again (it is so important to keep track of what I eat and not assume that I know the points value), water,water,water (get the hint)....and move my body whenever I can (my fitbit was not sending out reminders at 10 of each hour to remind me I had not moved....that issue has now been resolved). I have to figure out foods I can eat that will help me but stay within the limitations I have right now.

One the positive side or the ledger......

I have made the UPS man crazy.  Most of my online clothes purchases have arrived and had to be returned due to being TOO BIG (so unusual for me!!). I have shipped things back and requested the next size down which has provided a better fit vs just hanging on me.  I also am paying less now for clothes because of the smaller sizes I am requesting.  I knew for years I was paying more for some of my clothes due to size so it sure is nice to no longer pay the add on fee!! I even went down another cup size in my bras!!....ok TMI LOL).

I was able to help Jenn mow the lawn yesterday.  In all honesty, Jenn did at least 2/3 of the lawn BUT I did the other 1/3....slowly and carefully.....I keep forgetting how unlevel the backyard is and well you all know my history of clumsiness......I was soaked to the skin in sweat but I was able to push the mower (not self propelled) to complete my portion.  Jenn did her side using one arm to push the mower (until the stitches come out tomorrow from here recent procedure) and I trudged along with aching knees and hips.....but we got it done!!

I have two writers conventions coming up in the fall....of course they couldn't be spread out....they are back to back in Beaufort and one on Pawley's Island. I am super excited about both events as I throw myself more into the passions of my life!!!

Lots of changes heading my way......I will fill you in as I move along.....all good things....promise!!

See you next week.....and that's a promise too.......

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