Sunday, June 3, 2018

My Journey From the "South Bronx" to the Lowcountry of South Carolina......

As I drive home each night, I am grateful for the twists and turns that have allowed me to end up near Beaufort.

The road home....

My Bronx mode of transportation..... that no longer was torn down in the 1970's......

I started my life  on 153rd St between 3rd and Melrose Ave.  A 5th floor walk-up that look very much like this......

 No trees anywhere in sight.  No elevator of course.  Cement and cobblestone streets. A neighborhood deli on the corner.  And at any time, my Mom would lean out of our 5th floor window and yell to me or my brother to go to the corner store for milk or some thing similar.  She would throw a clothes pin with a piece of paper and a dollar bill wrapped in it.  The piece of paper had what she needed us to purchase (and make sure to bring back the exact extra treats for us). I didn't know eggs came from anything except the cardboard carton they were purchased in and never thought about the correlation between the milk I bought at Kaufman's deli and a cow.

It wasn't until we were on a vacation to a farm in the Catskills that I finally saw fresh eggs and a cow being milked.

Who knew????

So we fast forward more than a few years.....

The last two days, Jenn and  I did a little more exploring of Beaufort.....

I wanted to visit Coffin Point Plantation.  From what I had read,  it was not a place to visit at night.....rumor is that it is haunted....during the day it is beautiful.

 We also visited the location of the stairs with no house.....I had read about it and wanted to see it....the house had been burned down a long time ago but the stairs still remained....

So my life went from The Bronx (my Dad was born there in 1933 and I followed more than 20 years later)

to this......

 I went from an amazing a cement jungle that at one point was burned to ruins but has made a comeback a place where there are ruins of the Sam's Plantation from a couple of hundred years ago......

What a great journey......and I wouldn't change one bit of it......

See you next week.......

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