Monday, May 28, 2018

One Sentence ......

I was asked where my blog was today by a few people. I told them I had writers block and I would write later on in the week and again next weekend. I made note of this in a response to a FB post by the founder of my favorite writing group “Beach Shack Writers”.  Cindy told me to write at least one sentence before I went to sleep.

So here it is one of my shorter entries made up of a few singular sentences......

I dread 5:00AM even though it is my own fault I get up that early.
I want a solid two week vacation.
Sunday’s are depressing......because of  Monday’s.
I miss my family.
I need to drink more water during the week.
Jif is the best peanut butter.
I wish the floor of my car wouldn’t get wet when it rains.
I watched “The Best Years of Our Lives” today.....great classic movie.
I was a little bored today.
I need to get to the pool and have some endorphins kick in.
I wish I had spent my life writing but at least I get to do it now.
It was great to connect with some old friends yesterday.

And the year is almost done  because Memorial Day is over......heed those words..... it will be Halloween in the blink of an eye.

There you go Cindy sentence times a few.....writing assignment completed!!

See you next week......

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