Sunday, May 6, 2018

Not Like Last Weeek But It Could Have Been Worse

Last week, I had a great entry about all the small things that happened that made the week special.  And I ended with......if this coming week is just half as good, I will feel very lucky and blessed............

This week had it's ups and downs.....

Handling the new system and old system at work simultaneously has been interesting to say the least. As usual, I am learning from my mistakes.  I am better at remembering something I did wrong and having to correct it.

My most common thought this week is "look at the procedures that have been provided".  The procedures are very good but I want to not have to look at them and know it

In addition to the new challenges at work, I also had some dental/oral surgery on Thursday.  Once again, the wait up to the event was not my strong suit.  I just wanted it over.  The surgeon's office said I should not be alone afterwards so Jenn took a few days off to keep an eye on me.

The words "we are going to put you to sleep" scare the crap out of me.  Being the positive person I am, I always think "am I going to wake up?"

We arrived right on time.  I didn't have to wait long to be called back.  When I walked into the room, I did start to tear nerves were shot.  I could see underneath the cover on the tray table the things they were going to use on me......some looked a little scary. I looked out the window at the trees and thought...."is this the last thing I will ever see?" The IV took 4 attempts...not super painful...a little uncomfortable.  Then the Dr. said "we are giving you something to relax not put you out yet."  Um...he lied....LOL.  Next thing I knew, I had a mouth full of gauze and I was being unhooked from all the monitors and IV. I woke up pretty quickly.  The nurse went to give Jenn all the info as she told me she doubted I would remember anything she told me......and that was pretty much true. I shuffled down the hall with Jenn and the nurse and was on my way back home in pretty short order.  We stopped at CVS to fill some pain prescriptions.  I had it in my mind to not take the hard stuff and opted for the Motrin 800mg.  It worked like a charm!!

Once home, I felt pretty awake.   Jenn said I seemed more awake then after other procedures where I have been put under.  I sat in my recliner and watched TV.....or so I thought.  Jenn said she would look in on me and I was dozing off and on. 

I have been on soft foods for the last few days which hasn't been horrible. I finally had coffee today for the first time since Wednesday!! I still feel sore and am watching what I eat.  I felt a little light headed today but also realized I hadn't taken any meds and maybe my diet was lacking something to help me feel more like myself. 

While my in-home-care nurse, Jenn, was always around she did find time to complete some additional painting projects that we had discussed.

Old and new table trays:

Old and newly painted coffee table:

Painted footstool:

Old and painted bedroom table: (it matches my night tables perfectly...thanks to Lowes and some machine they have that can match paint colors).........


I cannot thank Jenn enough for being a great nurse and for taking on these projects....that all look great and add something extra to each room !!!!

While not the knock it out of the park week from last week's entry.....the surgery is over and I have some beautifully painted pieces of furniture to show for the last 7 days.

I can't wait to see what's around the curve for the next 7 days......

While I usually share the picture below to show how tired I am by the time I get to the end of the is more appropriate now considering the sleeping I did Thursday after I got home from the appointment.

See you next week.....

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