Sunday, October 21, 2018

A Week of Small Blessings

My mentor, friend and creative editor, Cindy Whitman, wrote this week about looking for blessings in a FB post.

Blessings is the theme for the November Issue of Pink Magazine (you know the one with my first byline, Donna Raboni Pizzolongo).

I thought about the blessings I experienced each day that may go unnoticed.

One thing I did notice was most of mine have to do with others.

I need to do a better job of being the reason for other people in my life to be thankful.

Here are some of what I experienced this past week.

I was recognized by my Underwriters for Bosses Day with an amazing flower arrangement.

I remembered to re-order my eye liner.  I normally procrastinate until I run out.

We commuted back and forth to Columbia safely.

Jenn also painted the living rooms ceiling where we had stains from air conditioner leaks.  It looks amazing ! And thank you to her phone-a-friend consultant, Meg !!

Jenn was able to find my iPhone lists that had suddenly disappeared off my phone.

On a kind of crazy day, my person (as in Gray's Anatomy with Christina and Meredith), Mary, had me "dance it out" when things a little crazy.  Next thing I knew, Bruno Mars "Uptown Funk" was playing in our office as we danced.....well kind of danced.

My sister received the birthday present I sent her. What else could someone wish for but a case of Reinzi Clam Sauce??

Jenn caught that I had been charged to automatically renew a magazine that I didn't want to renew.  One phone call and the issue was resolved.

I came into the office one morning and found breakfast waiting for me on my desk.

I went out to lunch with Jenn and Kathy.  The name of the place we went to is called Fat Patties. The food was amazing! I had a turkey burger with caramelized onions, mushrooms and blue cheese. YUM! They also make a great Bloody Mary!!

This morning when I woke up, I once again felt blessed for the lovely view I can see from the recliner in my bedroom.

I woke up to the sound of the wind.  The temperature had dropped.

I had the sliders open most of the day to enjoy the fresh air.

Finally, I had to close them because I was getting cold.

What a southern weenie I have become.

See you next week.

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