Sunday, November 25, 2018

Making Our Own Happiness

As I remember it, my Dad was a pretty happy guy.

My Mom's happiness came from being with Dad, her children (most of the time) and of course, her grandchildren.

I know that no one goes through life whistling Zip-a-dee-doo-dah everyday.

But I do think we sometimes overlook the little things that can make us happy.

I know most appreciate:

-sunrises and sunsets
-time with family and friends

I think where we sometimes lose our way is by depending on someone else for our happiness.

I do remember my Dad telling my Mom once "I cannot be your source of happiness."

I think that was harder for her to hear then for him to say.

Mom had built her whole world around him, he was the center of her universe.

They enjoyed their time together but Dad felt they each needed to have their own interests.

Mom did start playing golfs with the ladies,  She started going to dinner with her friends.

I don't think Dad always liked Mom's new interests.

He was used to dinner on the table when he was ready.  He was used to her being around to talk to when he wanted conversation

What is the saying, "be careful what you ask for"?

I do feel happiness has to come from inside.

As I have noted in other entries, I keep a journal in which I write five good things about each day.

I have not been faithful making my daily entries the last five months. 

I need to do a better job trying to find "my happiness" again.

Although others can add to it, I have to find the source of what makes me happy on my own.

Yes, I have enjoyed beautiful sunsets, unexpected gifts and some of the simple joys that are part of each day.

Still at times, I struggle.  I know I am struggling.  I know those close to me are aware of it too.

Added to the ever lengthening list of goals is to get back into the habit of writing my five good things list daily.

Trying not to let others impact my mood.

Once again, feeling blessed for each day I am given and not taking it for granted.

I know I have joy and happiness still inside me.

I just have to find it.

From my new favorite source of quotes:

"What day is it?”
“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
“My favorite day,” said Pooh.
― A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

See you next week!

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