Sunday, January 20, 2019

What should I write about?

There are times, when I know all week what I want to write about when Sunday rolls around.

Other weeks, I search for a topic.

This is the second week in a row, I have nothing.

I have been advised to write, write and write until something happens.

Well, here goes.

Last week at work was pretty crazy. Four days of an MBA (Mortgage Bankers Assn.) class from 9-5. Attending the class meant having to infringe on the Mefford Inn three nights in a row. Add in luncheon's, senior management in town and Thursday night was the annual TD Awards at the Columbia Convention Center.

I think it's pretty clear I was exhausted by the time I walked in the house Friday night.

Day one of a three day weekend.

Caught up on my magazine reading.

Binge watched Gracie and Frankie.

Watched the final season of Downton Abbey (again).

Day two of a three day weekend.

Football playoffs to watch.

Watched the final three episodes of Downton Abbey (again).

Paid bills.

Went to Walmart.

Ordered outside banner flags for the months I was missing. (April, May, August and October) I used to  have flags for these months but they got ragged from the wear and tear of hanging outside even if only for one month a year times 25 years,

Wrote a blog entry and then decided not to publish it.

Once I am done with this entry, I plan to:

Clean and organize my jewelry.

Get a fire going in the fireplace.

Find something else brainless to watch if the football games do not go well.

Day three of the three day weekend.

Maybe a pedicure.

Maybe find the ambition to go get the appliances I keep thinking about.

Maybe do nothing.

Maybe get ready for the week ahead.

OK Donna so let's find some good in all this stuff.

In the last few weeks, I have been able to get very organized at work.  I did a power point presentation of which I was very pleased.  The class last week was exhausting but a good refresher and I learned a few new things.

I do feel recharged at work, now let's see how long it lasts. I have set some ambitious personal goals for myself at work this year, maybe too ambitious, we will see.

I also have a trip to visit the sales staff in Florida in February.  This will be both exciting and nerve wracking.

I went to a writing workshop last weekend and pushed through some tough writing topics for me.

I did a rewrite of my most recent profile for Pink magazine and accepted the critique gracefully (ok I was a little hurt but know not every thing I write will be perfect).

I put in for some time off around Memorial Day.  My siblings will all be coming for a visit and it will be the first time we will all be together for the first time in 7 years. 

Recently as part of my power point presentation, I talked about positive mindset,  I explained how I wrote every day five good things about the previous day. I went back and looked at some of my old journals.  I can't believe I have been doing this each day since 2000.  Starting my 19th year, (although I will be honest and from last June until December I wrote sporadically.  I struggled to find good things about each day during that time period). I promised myself in 2019, I would get back on track and as of today there are 19 entries.

So far the New Year has been about "goals" not "resolutions" and that works so much better for me.

See you next week.

PS- One more thing, 34 years ago today was the last day I ever spent with my Dad.  He was in a coma but I talked to him any way.  It was Super Bowl Sunday (back in those days they didn't have the one week off during the season or two weeks between the playoffs and the big game).  While Dad's passing was on the front page of our local newspaper, "The Journal News", it was below the fold.  We all chuckled about that fact.  If his death hadn't coincided with the Super Bowl, he would have made the top of the front page (he was a Town Councilman for many years).

One of the rare pictures I still have with Dad.

I have lived more years without him than with him.  And still all these years later, there is not a day I do not think of him.  I was so lucky to have him as my Dad and hero and the kind of person I wanted to be.

My dear friend that I lost last June (also on the 20th of the month) reminded me a lot of my Dad. In fact, they enjoyed each other's company immensely.  They were both tough, direct, great at giving advice, a ton of common sense, generous and a wonderful sense of humor.

They have both made my five good things about the day numerous times.

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