Sunday, March 24, 2019

Out of the mouths of babes....

If you want the truth listen to a child.  They give it to you straight and it can be very, very funny,

Yesterday, Jenn and I were lucky to be invited to the birthday celebration for a special 6 year old.

Miss Maggie was the birthday princess.

Jenn and I had  plotted and planned.

Everything PINK and I mean PINK.  Including gifts, gift bags and icing.

Jenn made a funfetti cake and cupcakes.  We brought them uniced so that could be part of the party.

And sprinkles.  Lots of sprinkles.

When we arrived, I started the climb up the full flight of stairs in the front of the house. As usual, I took my time and was very careful.

The birthday girl was climbing patiently behind me.  She did ask Jenn, "why is she walking so slowly?"  Jenn and I both laughed as I stepped aside to let them pass.

The next few hours included presents, coloring and decorating cupcakes.

Jenn successfully negotiated with Charlie the issues of a PB&J sandwich which was not cut to an little man's satisfaction.  It was cut up and down not diagonally.  Jenn was able to offer options, a new sandwich or a cupcake.

Guess which option was chosen?  You guessed it, the cupcake.

Within a few minutes, Charlie had partied until he dropped and fell asleep sitting up in his chair.

I also got to check in with the teenage generation.

Talking to Morgan about proms and college options made me realize how quickly time has passed.  It seems like yesterday she was a cute youngster.

Ben has grown a foot (or it appears that way) since the last time I saw him.  He is entertaining to talk to and I love kids who are comfortable enough to hold up their end of a conversation with adults.

When the candles had been out a few hours later it was time to leave.

I am not one to push myself on children.  I let them come to me and I do not force them to give me a hug.

As I was saying goodbye to the adults, my youngest friend, Simon, came running over and hugged me around my legs as I kissed him on his head.  A wonderful spontaneous moment.

As I walked to the door slowly, Maggie asked "why are you walking so slowly?"  I said laughingly, "because I am old."  Without missing a beat she replied, "Yeah, very old"  I don't think I have laughed so hard in ages.

Lastly, I headed to the stairs.  I took them one at a time holding on to both railings.

What I didn't realize was I had a conga line of little people following down the stairs in the same manner as me, one step at a time. I am sure it was quite a sight.

I had so much fun, laughed a lot and am still chuckling about it today.

I need to remember these moments when I get frustrated.

Besides the gala party, the rest of the week had some good moments.

I went to another wood craft class.  Jenn and I both painted lighthouses.  I love doing projects in these classes.

I had a picture I bought at Lowes a few weeks back.  It had been leaning against my dining room table waiting to be hung.

Well along with replacing my garbage disposal my most willing "volunteer" contractors, Gabe and Meg, hung my picture.  I love the way it looks.

I had may hair cut and colored and love the way it looks.  Too bad I can't have Wayne Powers at my house every morning to make it look as good as it does when he works his magic!!

See you next week.

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